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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

July 31

Krsna can expand Himself in various ways with His different wives. You are not only advanced student in painting, but also in Krsna consciousness, so always pray to Krsna how you shall draw the painting and I think it will come out nice.

Letter to Jadurani, 31 July, 1970

July 30

I want that we shall excel the Caitanya Math. They have been struggling for the last 50 years, and we shall surpass them in two years. We are working two shifts of labor: that is American style of doing things. But if you do not, then I shall remain on the same level, then it is a great discredit to the Americans. But if I defeat my godbrothers, then I am worthy to be called the guru of the Americans. Even there is competition in spiritual life.

Letter to Jayapataka, 30 July, 1972

July 29

The best thing is to read one chapter daily, but if you can meditate upon a few verses of Bhagavad-gita every day, that is better than reading for simply one hour and then forgetting the topics until the next reading.

Letter to Paramananda, 29 July, 1969

July 28

So far as your question about controversy amongst the disciples of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja, that is a fact. But this controversy is not material. Just like in a national program, different political parties are sometimes in conflict and make propaganda against each other, but their central point is always service to the country. Similarly, amongst the disciples of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati there may be some controversy, but the central point is how to preach the mission of His Divine Grace. If the central point is fixed up then there is no harm in such controversy.

Letter to Mandali Bhadra, 28 July, 1969

July 26

Now you are in ripe old age, so you can accept vanaprastha life which is your duty as you are born in a brahmana family. According to our Vedic principle a brahmana is supposed to accept the four asramas, namely brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, and sannyasa. Others are not do not accept sannyasa, but a person who is a brahmana must accept sannyasa at the end of his life.

Letter to Dinanatha N. Mishra, 26 July, 1975

July 25

Regarding the activities of such great sages and devotees like Parvat Muni and Parasara Muni begetting children, such activities of these elevated souls are not to be questioned by us. They have a higher purpose which we cannot determine; therefore it is said in the Srimad-Bhagavatam that one should not try to imitate the actions of the Isvaras or those who are very powerful, but one should follow their instructions.

Letter to Ekayani dasi, 25 July, 1970

July 24

So it was very pleasing talk that there is transcendental competition between the centers, and it is Krishna's Grace that you stand first in this week's business. Krishna is very kind.

Letter to Brahmananda, 24 July, 1969

July 23

So far as mixing with society, we can do it. That is all right. But simply for jobs sake, we cannot. To mix with them intimately is not good. So that should be avoided. Lord Caitanya never said stop mixing with nondevotees. He was preaching himself. How a preacher can stop? The whole world is nondevotees.

Letter to Vrndavana Candra, 23 July, 1971

July 21

Regarding your question about the ceremony of offering Srimad-Bhagavatam and some coins to your child, yes, this may be done. Several months ago this same ceremony was performed with Visnu Arti, the daughter of Krishna Devi and Dinesh Candra, and Visnu Arti chose the Bhagavatam.

Letter to Balai, 21 July, 1969

July 20

Of course we have to control the mind, and I have already instructed you and all my students that the restless fickle mind can only be controlled by putting the mind to the lotus feet of Krsna, and that can best be done by chanting Hare Krsna mantra, and there is no alternative in this age. By chanting without offenses, the devotee cries to Radharani and Krsna to please lift him out of the material energy and put him into the spiritual energy, which is devotional service.

Letter to Govinda dasi, 20 July, 1973
