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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

August 11

I am now organizing in Europe and America many farm lands so that my devotees can live there peacefully, grow their own foodstuffs, produce cloth, and save time for chanting Hare Krishna.

Letter to B.H. Bon Maharaja, 11 August, 1975

August 10

My advice to you is that whatever instruction you have received from me, just try to follow to your best. You must keep your sannyasa stage, because you have taken it from me. Wherever you go, try to follow the regulations, and Krsna will bless you. If Krsna blesses you, your life will be successful. I do not want any personal service from you, but I want to keep you engaged in Krsna's service.

Letter to Sudama Vipra Maharaja, 10 August, 1974

August 9

You have mentioned that you want to write a book, but instead of writing books, you should read and explain my books to others. Reading and writing are the same, sravanam kirtanam vishnoh.

Letter to Sukadeva, 9 August, 1974

August 8

It is very encouraging that many professors have purchased books for themselves and are considering to order them for their students. I very much like this program of the standing orders. Try to increase it up to 50,000 such orders from the libraries. I have written to Bali Mardan Goswami in this connection. Regarding the remark that distributing a book to a professor is 100 times better than to a ordinary man, I never said that. I said it was very important.

Letter to Satsvarupa das Goswami, 8 August, 1974

August 7

Regarding the free distribution of books, there is no need in this country. They have sufficient money and sometimes they pay more than the price. Here in this country if literature is given free of charge, they throw it away. In most cases we offer our books and ask for a contribution. And, sometimes they pay three rimes or four times the requested price. So about money matters they are very liberal. Krishna has given them money, and they spend it very liberally.

Letter to Dr. Y. G. Naik, 7 August, 1975

August 5

That is a very good program that you have begun, namely, travelling from center to center and preaching especially from the scholarly point of view of being able to understand this Krishna philosophy very scientifically and positively. You have studied the Sanskrit language for some years, that is sufficient of study, there is no more need. Now you read our books, not that lifelong you have to study Sanskrit. Simply read our Sanskrit wherever it appears in our books and teach these slokas to the devotees, do not waste time by studying Sanskrit independently of our books.

Letter to Hrdayananda, 6 August, 1972

August 4

The idea is that local inhabitants will be satisfied with their bare necessities of life and their attention will be diverted towards spiritual development of life. That is the aim of human birth.

Letter to Giriraja, 4 August, 1975

August 3

To distribute books is our most important activity. The temple is a place not for eating and sleeping, but as a base from which we send out our soldiers to fight with maya. Fight with maya means to drop thousand and millions of books into the lap of the conditioned souls. So you are the expert in this field. I like also your programme of sending out your best men to teach the others. That is the actual process of Krishna Consciousness. To train others.

Letter to Ramesvara, 3 August, 1973

August 2

Regarding the difficulties you are having because of the police stopping your chanting in the streets, when Subala was arrested in Philadelphia for this same reason the judge declared him as "not guilty'' when he learned of the nature of our movement and the purpose of our collecting. Subala has testimonial of this "not guilty'' verdict as declared by the judge, so if you think it will be of help to you in getting permission from the police for chanting on the streets, then you may write to Subala for a xerox copy of this testimonial.

Letter to Gaurasundara, 2 August, 1969

August 1

We have seen your note regarding Sarasvati Maharaja, and you may engage one Sanskrit teacher for Sarasvati so she shall become a very great scholar, just like Jiva Goswami was trained in Sanskrit language from early childhood and no one could surpass him in all of India.

Letter to Bhavananda, 1 August, 1972
