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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

July 6

Generally, people are inclined to do business or make profit for sense gratification; such tendency is the cause of material bondage. But to act for Krishna is the cause for opening the door for liberation.

Letter to Vinode Patel, 6 July, 1968

July 5

I think you should not think of relinquish your job without meeting me and discussing the matter deeply. Don't do anything out of sentiment. You must make the best use of a bad bargain. Unless you keep your job, you will not be considered an important man in the material sense. And, if you are not an important man, then who will listen to you?

Letter to Svarupa Damodara, 5 July, 1975

July 4

I am glad that you have named your printing press the Radha Press. It is very gratifying. May your Radha Press be enriched in publishing all our books and literatures in the German language. It is a very nice name. Radharani is the best, topmost servitor of Krishna, and the printing machine is the biggest medium at the present moment for serving Krishna. Therefore, it is really a representative of Srimati Radharani. I like the idea very much.

Letter to Jaya Govinda, 4 July, 1969

July 3

Worship of Radha-Krishna Deities is the ultimate pinnacle of Deity worship, and it must be done with the utmost caution and attention to every detail of giving opulent service. I am not recommending more temples to install Radha-Krishna Deities until I have become more convinced that they can properly manage. At least five to ten persons must be engaged full time to worship Radha-Krishna properly, and for any small temple especially that is a detrimental factor to maintaining the highest standard in other temple activities besides, because there are not enough men.

Letter to Gunagrahi, 3 July, 1972

July 2

Regarding the Beatles, if they chant the Hare Krishna Mantra, give them all facilities. Because if they make some Hare Krishna record, that will be widespread, and we want simply that the Hare Krishna Mantra may be very popular all over the world. We do not care for any profit out of it.

Letter to Mukunda, 2 July, 1969

July 1

I'm very sorry that you are separated from the temple for the time being. But don't worry. Krishna will save you, you can be sure. There is no doubt about it. So go on chanting Hare Krishna at all costs and never mind these tribulations of maya. Go on chanting Hare Krishna. Krishna is in your heart. Pray to Him for your protection and soon all things will be adjusted and you will again be in the association of devotees. Of that you can be sure.

Letter to Cidananda, 1 July, 1971

June 30

Mr. Rose may be very good man, but he does not know what is sectarian and what is non-sectarian. But at least you should know that Krishna is non-sectarian... Our Krishna Consciousness movement is no religious movement as it is generally understood. Our propaganda is to make people feel for Krishna or God, and become engaged in His transcendental loving service.

Letter to Kirtanananda, 30 June, 1968

June 29

So try your best, and Krishna will help us as He is helping us. Krishna can help us immediately with all of His resources, but first of all He wants to see how much we can work seriously. So the more we become steady and serious, the more help we will have from Him, rest assured.

Letter to Syamasundara, 29 June, 1969

June 28

My mission on behalf of my Guru Maharaj and Lord Caitanya, to spread Krsna Consciousness would never have been so successful if it had not been taken up by enthusiastic boys and girls such as in San Francisco, especially through distribution of books.

Letter to Bhakta dasa, 28 June, 1974

June 27

Please see that they are all chanting 16 rounds on their beads and following the rules and regulations. We have to become very strict in this matter. To go back home, back to Godhead is not an easy thing. It requires great discipline of body and mind, and performance of pure devotional service.

Letter to Rsabhadeva dasa, 27 June, 1975
