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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

June 2

It is better not to have a fruit tree than to have a poison fruit tree.

Honolulu, June 2, 1975

June 1

I came here with a great mission to execute my Spiritual Master's order but my heart is stabbing me. Of course, I'm not afraid of Maya. I know Maya cannot touch me, but still if I die in this condition, my mission will remain unfulfilled. Please therefore pray to Prabhu Lord Caitanya and Vrindaban Bihari, to rescue me this time. My mission is still not finished.

Letter to Sri Krishna Pandit, June 1, 1967

May 31

Try to keep nice peace with the police as far as possible, because our method is to be tolerant more than the tree and humbler than the grass on the street. We don't mind for so-called prestige. If keeping peaceful we can execute our Krishna Consciousness duties, that is all we want.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 31 May 1969

May 30

Even there is disagreement, the platform should be Krishna Consciousness, and in that platform if there is disagreement there is no inebriety.

Letter to Mukunda, 30 May 1968

May 28

Don't wait for next life for finishing up the business of Krishna Consciousness; try to finish up this business in this life. And pray to Krishna that if your Krishna Consciousness business is unfinished in this life, He may give you chance to take birth in a family where the father and mother are in Krishna Consciousness. That is a great opportunity. Similarly, the child who is coming in your family is supposed to have executed Krishna Consciousness in his previous life.

Letter to Malati devi dasi, 28 May 1968

May 26

Cow protection is the business of the vaisyas and along with our preaching, this is the most important work. We must have a good section of Brahmanas in our society and we must also have a good group of vaisyas who can grow grains and tend cows, and thus supply the society with food-grains and milk products from the cow like ghee, curd, cream, etc.

Letter to Hasyakari, 26 May 1975

May 25

One quality of a devotee is that he is always very much tolerant of other people, so I request you simply to tolerate the faults of others and always think that I am myself the most faulty. In this way your humble attitude will qualify you to advance very quickly in Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Jayarge and Lindon Lomese, 25 May 1972

May 24

So things are going on by the grace of Srila Prabhupada, but I am getting older, naturally the energy is not so strong, but still I hope to prolong as you all Vaisnavas are praying to Srila Prabhupada that by His grace my life may be prolonged and energy safely guarded.

Letter to Govinda Maharaja, 24 May 1970

May 23

They [scientists] cannot make even one egg, and they are going to manufacture life? And we have to believe it? They are lunatics, this is demoniac. They want to compete with God.

Letter to Satsvarupa Maharaja, 23 May 1976

May 18

Please be very sober in your dealings with these temple presidents, they are undoubtedly rendering a valuable service and are worthy of respect and encouragement.

Letter to Gurukrpa Maharaja, 18 May 1976
