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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 7

That which delivers one from mental speculation is called "Mantra''. "Mantra Siddhi'' is to transcend the gross and subtle mental plane... In this age all the Mantras that can help us reaching perfection up to the plane of Godhead has been still more concentrated into the Hari-nama. We find therefore in the Brhannaradiya Puranam (38/126) a particular stress on Harinama which is stated as follows:

harinama harinama harinama eva kevalam
kalau nastyeva nastyeva nastyeva gatir anyatha

Letter to Sri Padampat Singhania, 7 May 1957

May 6

That is all right, whenever you are able to do so, then contribute 50% of your income to the temple.

Letter to Mukunda, 6 May 1968

May 5

If you can organize the sales of my books, then there is no question of scarcity of money. I can go on printing so many books. But because the books are not selling nicely, neither there is sufficient money, so I am handicapped. Anyway, let us depend on Krishna and when He will desire, everything will be very nice.

Letter to Kirtanananda, 5 May 1967

May 4

If we strain, and if he takes one book home, some day people will come to understand what valuable knowledge they have received. It is transcendental literature. Nobody can challenge it. It is done so nicely, without any spot, the spotless Purana. Please continue like this to print books in all the languages for the benefit of suffering, misdirected humanity.

Letter to Puranjana das, 4 May 1976

May 3

Regarding the color of Balaramaji, He is colored like milk white with little bluish tint and rosy luster. Our idea of whiteness is of the milk foam.

Letter to Ekayani, 3 May 1970

May 2

I am always pleased and looking forward to seeing more beautiful pictures in our books. In India we make life members simply from the high quality and appearance of our books with illustrations. Our society is unrivalled in this respect and this is your credit who are working so selflessly to illustrate my books. Thank you very much.

Letter to ISKCON Artists, 2 May 1974

May 1

You have dedicated your life for Krsna and therefore you should be ideal. We are introducing Krsna Consciousness movement for the harmony and good will of humanity. But if you yourselves are suffering from the very ills we are trying to remove, how can the people be influenced favorably? Stop this fighting, tolerate, chant and read our books. Use the intelligence and do some service for Krsna.

Letter to Trivikrama Maharaja, 1 May 1974

April 30

Regarding your questions how to offer respects to Sannyasis. Every Sannyasi, even if you see a Mayavadi Sannyasi, offer him your respects there will be no harm. As you have observed we shall follow Lord Caitanya's instruction that we give all due respects to others regarding their position, but there is no need of always associating with each of them. Even if one is Vaisnava, but not of good character, we can give him the Vaisnava respect, but we cannot associate with him.

Letter to Jayapataka dasa, 30 April 1970

April 29

You must always ask the Lord's grace to make you in the right position. It is not for your sense gratification, it is for the Lord's service. For the Lord's service we can ask for His grace and mercy a hundred times, but for our sense gratification we cannot pray or ask anything that is pure devotion.

Letter to Pradyumna dasa, 29 April 1970

April 27

Now our Ph.D's must collaborate and study the 5th Canto to make a model for building the Vedic Planetarium. My final decision is that the universe is just like a tree, with root upwards. The universe is also composed of planets which are fixed up in the tree like the leaves, flowers, fruits, etc. of the tree. The pivot is the pole star, and the whole tree is rotating on this pivot. Mount Sumeru is the center, trunk. The planets have their fixed orbits. There are pathways leading from one planet to another made of gold, copper, etc., and these are like the branches.

Letter to Svarupa Damodara dasa, 27 April 1976
