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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 5

I was just thinking of teaching our students the pronunciation of the Sanskrit verses in the Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-bhagavatam, etc. and by Krsna's will you have already begun this. It will be a great help for me if the students are taught to pronounce in Sanskrit vibration. It will be another effect of transcendental sound vibration. But we should always remember that our aim is spiritual realization, so in such classes in the beginning there must be Kirtana and at the end also there must be Kirtana.

Letter to Pradyumna dasa, 5 April, 1970

April 4

Simply use this marital life for spreading the glories of Lord Krishna and in this very lifetime you will be promoted to associate with Krishna in Goloka Vrindaban.

Letter to: Vaikunthanatha and Saradia, 4 April 1971

April 3

So competition, disagreement, or even dissension, if they are there, and the center is Krishna, such disagreement is not material.

Letter to Krsna dasa, 3 April 1969

April 2

Also we have formed the Bhaktivedanta Institute for organizing scientific presentations of Krishna Consciousness. This party is our most important preaching arm with which we will be able to destroy the bogus speculation and cheating which goes under the banner of scientific advancement.

Letter to Dravida dasa, 2 April 1977

April 1

Now you are beginning to preach at the universities. That is a very good program, so increase it more and more. It is also a good opportunity for distributing our books. You should give much effort for book distribution, it is such a valuable service. So somehow or other distribute these books, either in schools and colleges, libraries, through life membership, bookstores, or wherever else you think they might be accepted. Do so with enthusiasm and determination and Krishna will surely help you.

Letter to Nityananda dasa, 1 April 1971

March 30

I am aware that you are feeling my absence just as I am feeling the absence from you. But in the meantime this must be so and Krishna will provide for you as long as you keep chanting Hare Krishna.

Letter to Devotees, March 30, 1967

March 28

You should not keep your trust on so-called gentlemen of the world however nicely dressed he may be. In the matter of discharging our mission of Krishna consciousness we have to meet so many so-called gentlemen, but we must be very cautious for dealing with them as we are cautious in dealing with serpants.

Letter to Brahmananda, March 28, 1967

March 26

Krishna and Balarama, They are Absolute Truth.There is no difference between killing and loving. Those who were killed, you know they were also delivered from this material bondage. Now these same two brothers have again descended as Sri Krishna Chaitanya-Nityananda.

Mayapur, March 26, 1975

March 25

When the soul leaves this body, then what it is? It has no value, a lump of matter, just like a motorcar. So long it is
moving, it is worth one lakh and so long it does not move, it is simply lump of iron and cooper and something. Who cares for it? It is thrown away. Same things. The body has no value. It has value so long the soul is there.

Delhi, March 25, 1976

March 24

Radha-Krishna. Radha`s name is first. Why? Nobody can be better devotee than Radharani. As soon as Radha`s name is there, Krishna is more pleased. That is the way. If we glorify the devotee, the character of the devotees, before the Lord, He is more pleased than to glorify Himself, Him directly.

Hawaii, March 24, 1969
