February 25
There are no such distinctions of higher and lower on the transcendental platform. The important thing is that we are engaging our time and energy in the service of the Lord.
Letter to Karunamayi devi dasi, 25 February 1968
There are no such distinctions of higher and lower on the transcendental platform. The important thing is that we are engaging our time and energy in the service of the Lord.
Letter to Karunamayi devi dasi, 25 February 1968
We want to influence these misguided college students so that they might take to this Krishna Consciousness Movement very seriously. And if we can establish a seat of Krishna Consciousness these students may take their doctorate degree in Krishna Consciousness and go out and preach all over the world.
Letter to Tulsi dasa, 24 February 1971
Мы должны постоянно помнить, что находимся в царстве майи, и ее влияние здесь очень сильно. Так что, если мы не будем очень и очень осторожными в своих делах, всегда будет вероятность падения. Поэтому, пожалуйста, регулярно повторяй на четках шестнадцать кругов и соблюдай регулирующие принципы.
Письмо Харер Наме, 23 февраля, 1970
Now the policy should be straight that this Back to Godhead is completely different from all other magazines. As there are different magazines for different subject matters, this magazine will be simply devoted for Vaisnava philosophy, or Krishna Consciousness movement. That should be our policy.
Letter to Rayarama, 22 February 1969
I especially appreciate your attitude toward increasing more and more the sales of our books, that will sanctify all other activities of preaching because preaching means selling books.
Letter Bhakta dasa, 21 February 1972
Regular and attentive chanting, along with following the four regulative principles will keep one pure. Simply by following these principles and chanting Hare Krishna one can make his life successful and perfect.
So far your two lost beads are concerned, you can simply add two more beads, and because I have already chanted on all the others, they will be sanctified also.
Letter to Tosana, 20 February 1972
The proper method of dressing Jagannatha is as a ksatriya King and there is no limit to the opulence you can give Him.
Letter to Kirtika devi dasi, 19 February 1973
Our Isopanisad is now published. This excellent book of God-Consciousness should be introduced as study book for school and college students because it is so nicely explained about God-Consciousness. Any sincere gentleman serious about knowing God-Consciousness must read this book. A little education will make every one aware what is meant by God. It is a challenge to the atheists, agnostic, skeptics and gross materialists.
Letter Kirtanananda Maharaja, 18 February 1970
My advise is always chant 16 rounds minimum and follow the four regulative principles. Disagreements will continue in this material world. So one may live in a suitable place, but one must follow these five principles. My disciples must follow these principles living either in heaven or hell.
Letter to Raja Laksmi devi dasi, 17 February 1976
Thank you again and again for distributing my books with great enthusiasm. Now, try to double this enthusiasm. Anyone who even touches one of our books gets such great benefit. Give them to everyone. Because you are all very sincere and working very hard, Krishna is giving you all facilities.
Letter to Dina Bandhu dasa, 16 February 1975