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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 17

But in my heart I want that KRSNA book in small or large form, should be distributed in every home who are English-speaking people.

Letter to Karandhara, 17 May 1971

May 16

So to preach Bhagavat religion sometimes we have to quote from the sastras what is not palatable to unscrupulous so called religious persons. But in preaching we cannot do without quoting the proper verses. Sometime they take it adversely and we become subject to unwanted criticism. Actually there is no religion in the world accept Bhagavat religion, namely surrendering to the lotus feet of the Lord.

Letter to Sri Pannalalji, 16 May 1974

May 15

We are now increasing centers & they must be maintained now properly. But our publication department must be considered as the most important department for preaching work.

Letter to Brahmananda, 15 May 1969

May 14

So Sankirtana Party in the streets and Sankirtana Party in school engagements should be our chief business. This will assure success in our propaganda activities.

Letter to Ananda, 14 May 1969

May 13

The policy of the BTG should be always writing articles which can be understood by people in general.

Letter to Pradyumna, 13 May 1970

May 12

Regarding your question about maintaining your body nicely, I think that if you follow our regulations of diet, sufficient sleeping, and keep to the prescribed rules of cleanliness, two baths per day, then you will be able to keep yourself in proper health.

Letter to Balabhadra, 12 May 1969

May 11

Actually, Krishna does not require anything from us. He is complete in Himself, but He is most pleased to see that we are very much enthusiastic to serve Him. That much He wants, that is bhakti, that enthusiasm for Krishna's service. So do not lack this enthusiasm, try to do it to the best capacity and that will be recognized by Krishna.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 11 May 1972

May 10

I do not know why our students who are supposed to be the leaders of this movement will fight amongst themselves for supremacy. Our whole process is of surrendering. We are taught to address others as Prabhu. Prabhu means master; and the leader of the masters is called Prabhupada. So if the Prabhus have surrendered to the Prabhupada, why there shall be such mentality of occupying the superior position?

Letter to Bali-mardana and Upendra, 10 May 1970

May 9

Too much competition between centers is not good, the emphasis should be on cooperation, not competition.

Letter to Amogha, 9 May 1972

May 8

In Krishna Consciousness, if anyone faces difficulties, it is considered as blessings, because without tapasya, or voluntarily accepting some inconveniences, nobody can realize the Transcendence. So when we are put into difficulties while discharging Krishna Conscious duties, it is to be understood that Krishna puts us in a field of austerities and penances which help us making progress towards realization of our goal of life.

Letter to Jaya Govinda, 8 May 1969
