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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

August 27

I am so glad that you have returned to Krishna. Krishna is kind that He does not let us go, anyone who sincerely takes to Him.

Letter to Mrinaline, 27 August, 1967

August 26

We should not find fault with others and criticize and go away, that is not the Vaisnava way. Better we should always be willing to offer all respects to others and consider them as our superiors always.

Letter to Gaurasundara, 26 August, 1972

August 20

I do not care very much for these filmings because by presenting Krishna in this way it makes it something like fantasy. It is better to have people to read my Krishna books what I have written so that they can understand Krishna fully. I think you can understand this.

Letter to Caruhasa, 20 August, 1974

August 19

Your appreciation for the service of your God-brothers is very much laudable. This is actually a devotee's business that everyone should appreciate the value of other devotees. Nobody should criticize anyone. Because everyone is engaged in the service of the Lord, according to one's capacity, and the thing is, Krishna wants to see how much one is sincere in rendering Him service.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 19 August, 1968

August 17

In your last letter to me also you tried to impress me that everyone should go to work. That is not our principle. Our principle is not to work like the karmi or under a karmi. We are not sudras. Sudras are meant for working under somebody, not brahmanas. If you do not know this principle, you should know it now. All our men living in the temple are basically brahmanas. Otherwise, why they are offered sacred thread? We should live on the paltry income, whatever we receive, by selling our magazines, but in dire necessity when there is no other way we may accept some service temporarily. But on principle we should go on Sankirtana, not work, and whatever Krishna gives us we should accept on that principle.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 17 August, 1971

August 16

We cannot demand from Krishna to know about Him. When you actually learn to serve Him, He reveals Himself. That is the process. And the success of life is simply by pleasing Him. That is the version of all Vedic literature. Knowledge means to know Him, and success means to please Him. And how He is pleased, that can be known through the transparent medium of His confidential servant. This is the process of understanding Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Damodara, 16 August, 1969

August 15

The children of our devotees may live with their parents perpetually because you are all living in the temple and already engaged in devotional service. Other instructions are for those not engaged in Krishna Consciousness. Any family engaged in Krishna's service is living not in this material world. Such a home is considered as Vaikuntha. That is the verdict of Bhaktivinode Thakura. So if you are afraid of your husband's taking sannyasa, I shall not give him sannyasa order at any time. Be rest assured.

Letter to Indira, 15 August, 1971

August 14

Kirtana means both lecturing and chanting with music. The chanting with music is specially attractive for the mass of people, but talking from philosophical point of view on Krishna Consciousness is also chanting. The whole Srimad-Bhagavatam is full of philosophical discussions and we are prepared to present our Krishna Consciousness movement both ways, whichever is suitable in special circumstances.

Letter to Upendra, 14 August, 1968

August 13

So far your service is concerned, you should understand that Krishna's service is absolute. Anything you do for Krishna in the standard of Krishna's service is Krishna also. So cleansing Krishna's temple and working on the altar of Krishna, etc. there is no difference. So don't consider in Krishna's service that something is higher and something is lower. Neither Krishna's servants are materially superior or inferior. So you should stick to your present service. That will be very nice.

Letter to Atreya Rsi, 13 August, 1971

August 12

Keep on with the practice of writing articles; in the midst of your heavy duties go on writing something glorifying the Lord and put our philosophy into words. Writing articles means to express oneself how he is understanding the whole philosophy. So this writing is necessary for everyone.

Letter to Giriraja, 12 August, 1971
