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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

October 29

We have to fight with all these so-called leaders, scientists, and philosophers, just like Krsna came to kill all the demons because the whole world is full of demons.

Letter to Svarupa Damodara das, 29 October, 1973

October 28

Go on singing Krsna kirtana. That is our program. Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to go out chanting. He never spoke philosophy in public, only among higher circles. The chanting is very effective. Along with tampura and mrdanga played very rhythmically let them chant. Perform this musical demonstration and sell books as far as possible, and feasting. Then everything will be successful. It is good that they do not like these bogus yogis and they like Hare Krsna mantra. Give them the chance to chant the Hare Krsna maha mantra somehow or other, then very soon good results will be visible.

Letter to Harikesa, 28 October, 1976

October 27

We are not interested in making profit; our interest is simply to promote Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Upendra, 27 October, 1969

October 26

I want that in all of our books, magazines and other writings the scholarly presentation be given in all instances, so for every Sanskrit word there must be the appropriate spelling and diacritic marks. Regarding your question about BTG containing more than one essay by me in certain issues, you may use your own judgement in this connection.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 26 October, 1969

October 24

We do not rely upon Indian government or any government, we shall take our strength from Lord Caitanya and He has said that His Name shall be heard in every town and village, and He is God and we are doing His business, so what some government officials can do? But because we want to engage everyone in the service of Lord Caitanya, therefore we approach these rascals, just to engage them. So you may continue in this way to canvass government leaders, the Indian Tourist Kenneth Keating, and anyone and everyone to help us, there is no harm.

Letter to Rupanuga, 24 October, 1972

October 22

I welcome you for your coming back to our society and you are feeling very nicely the association of devotees. Srila Rupa Goswami has described that devotional service can be advanced by six processes. Perhaps you know them. They are as follows: enthusiasm, patience, conviction, following the regulative principles, being honest in one's profession, and in the association of devotees. So this Krishna consciousness society is especially meant for giving people the opportunity to associate with devotees. Devotees means who are following the regulative principles. One cannot be independent and at the same time become a devotee because all devotional activities are based on surrender. So in the association of devotees we learn this important item—how to surrender, but if we keep our independence and try to become devotees, that is not possible.

Letter to Rayarama, 22 October, 1971

October 21

So far crying for Krishna is concerned, it is very nicely explained by Lord Caitanya. He says that a moment is appearing to me as 12 years, and my eyes are tearing torrents of rain, and I am feeling everything vacant in the absence of Govinda. The thing is that as we go on chanting Hare Krishna, in the pure status, we shall be on the loving platform and at that time, we shall feel the greatest separation from the Lord; but that feeling of separation from the Lord is more relishable than meeting the Lord. These are all transcendental existential understandings and as we grow in Krishna Consciousness, we understand everything, gradually, by the Grace of the Supreme Lord. The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, and He reveals Himself to the devotee with the progress of Krishna Consciousness. Thank you very much for your writing me.

Letter to Makhanlal, 21 October, 1968

October 20

I am glad to hear that your Sunday program is successful. One thing is that you should keep everything very clean. That is the first business. Every room should be as clean as a mirror. The prasadam room should be immediately cleaned after taking prasadam, otherwise you are inviting rats. Be careful.

Letter to Mukunda das, 20 October, 1973

October 19

There is the story of the bed bug. In the winter season the bed bug appears to be only skin, but in summer season as soon as it gets the opportunity of biting and sucking blood, it becomes fatty. Sometimes we may artificially renounce the world, but as soon as the opportunity of sucking blood is there, we turn again into a bed bug. Therefore it is said in the Bhagavad gita: daivi hy esa gunamayi / mama maya duratyaya / mam eva ye prapadyante / mayam etam taranti te [Bg. 7.14]. "This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome. But, those who have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it.''

Letter to Karandhara das, 19 October, 1973

October 17

One who spoils food grains unnecessarily, he is criminal. And one who accumulates more money than is actually required, he is also criminal. And according to the law of nature, or according to the law of God, such persons are surely to be punished. This punishment may not be visible in this life.

Letter to Rayarama, 17 October, 1968
