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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

November 24

I am pleased to learn that you are singing the Cintamani prayers of Brahma Samhita. This Brahma Samhita contains the highest of all spiritual knowledge. In lecturing too if we sing a verse from Brahma Samhita and then nicely explain the meaning it will be very much appreciated. Just as Krishna is the All-Attractive principle so, similarly, these Krishna kathas of the Brahma Samhita are All-Attractive and will gain favorable attention from listeners.

Letter to Syamasundara, 24 November, 1968

November 22

Although there may be some difficulties within our Society, these things are not very important. What is important is that we should simply fix our mind on Krishna's Lotus Feet. This is His instruction in the Bhagavad-gita. So we associate with one-another so that we can assist each other in hearing and chanting about Krishna. That is the purpose of our Society. This you will not find in the materialistic society where all hearing and chanting is simply concerned with sense gratification. So our desire is Krishna and we want to go back home Back to Godhead where Krishna lives eternally. So you simply follow my instructions as I have given to you and surely your life will be a success.

Letter to Nrhari das, 22 November, 1974

November 21

As there are in Vrindaban some residents like monkeys and hogs, similarly there are many rascals in the name of Vaisnavas, be careful of them.

Letter to Niranjana, 21 November, 1972

November 20

I am very glad to see that you have out-collected the Sri Sri Radha-Damodara party. This is good competition. So now is Tamala Krsna defeated by you? So one month you defeat him and another he can defeat you and in this way Radha-Damodara service will be increased by transcendental competition. This is very nice.

Letter to Jayatirtha das, 20 November, 1975

November 19

Regarding your prediction of cataclysmic earthquakes in this side of your country, your fear of my life is certainly natural. I was pet child of my father whom I lost in 1930, and since then nobody was taking care of me as affectionate son. But Krishna has sent me so many fathers to take care of me in a far distant place in USA. So I am fortunate enough that you are all so anxious, but we must always depend on Krishna. Rest assured that this nonsense idea of cataclysmic earthquakes will never take place. And even if it takes place, why should we be afraid of it? As soon as there is sign of such earthquake, we shall sit down together and chant Hare Krishna. So it will be a great opportunity of meeting death while chanting Hare Krishna. If one dies on sound condition of body and mind chanting Hare Krishna, he is the most fortunate man. There is a proverb in which it is said, "My dear royal prince, please do not die. My dear Brahmacari, you die immediately. My dear saintly person, you die or live it is all the same. My dear butcher, you do not die and do not live.''

Letter to Rayarama, 19 November, 1968

November 18

This personal grudge is not inhuman and as I have told many times, that individualism is the cause of personal misunderstanding. When such individualism is employed in the center of Krishna there is no harm even if there is personal misunderstanding. Personal misunderstanding exists even in the higher levels. There is competition of loving Krishna even in the party of Srimati Radharani. It is a kind of rasa to compete in loving affection centering around Krishna.

Letter to Brahmananda, 18 November, 1967

November 17

You state that you will be the largest distributer of BTG in the world. This statement is very pleasing to me, because more than anything I want that my students should distribute my books and literatures profusely all over the world, and this should be our formost concern, how to do it properly. But one thing, now you must try very hard to live up to your promise of becoming largest distributer!

Letter to Sridama das, 17 November, 1971

November 16

I am very glad that your distribution to the libraries is well received. Please get our books at least one full set in every city and college library in you neighboring areas. And if you read these literatures carefully you will realize the topmost science of Krsna Consciousness and be more inspired to spread the same to all persons as their real welfare benefit.

Letter to Bansidhari, 16 November, 1970

November 15

On one side we have to be very sorry if our dear friends are taken away from this world, and on the other side we should be satisfied that a pure devotee is never lost. He gets another good chance to cultivate Krishna Consciousness, or if one is advanced he goes back to Home, back to Godhead. But even if it is taken that a devotee is not mature, we should be confident that he will take birth in a rich or devotional family. So their human life in a very good position is guaranteed. A devotee's position is always better than an ordinary karmi's position. Karmis do not know what is the next life, but devotees know it as certain as anything that he is going to have a nice human form of body.
So let us pray for the departed souls that they may be engaged again in Krishna's service.

Letter to Patita Uddharana, 15 November, 1971

November 13

Do everything amicably. This fighting is going on everywhere. It is not a good sign. I know the fight spirit is there in you, within the Westerners, that even if you do not care to fight, someone will induce you to fight. Rather, you should make vigorous propaganda for making people understand the utility of the Krsna consciousness philosophy. It is not something speculative. Make your plans, organize, and then execute in order to increase all of our Krsna consciousness programs. This will be better.

Letter to Alanatha das, 13 November, 1975
