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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

December 8

Our service for Krishna is voluntary and can never be forced. And whatever position in life one holds he can serve Krishna in that way. But yourselves being such qualified and experienced preachers, what is the benefit of engaging in the second-class activity when there is so much preaching work to be done? Practically speaking, our Krishna philosophy will save the whole world from the most dangerous condition, that is a fact. So now you just become convinced yourselves of this fact and help me spread this Movement for saving the world with all conviction and attention, and in this way you will be performing the highest type of activity and very soon you will go back to Home, back to Godhead, know it for certain.

Letter to Vamanadeva and Indira dasi, 8 December, 1971

December 7

You always have my blessings, the father always wishes that the son may be more successful than himself. This is the spiritual conception. If one is doing well, then the materialistic persons become envious and try to check his progress. This was actually so with Prahlada Maharaja, he was only 5 years old, he was preaching Krishna consciousness to his school friends, and the father Hiranyakasipu became so envious that he attempted to kill his 5 year old son in so many ways. Krishna consciousness is just the opposite, if someone is doing well then the attitude of the devotee is to give him all facility to go on and improve more and more.

Letter to Yogescandra, 7 December, 1975

December 6

So on the above statements you must make some compromise. Both Tripurari and yourself are intelligent. Sometimes we may differ, but Krishna is the center. Just like in Vrindaban there is Radharani's party and there is Candravali's party. So Krishna is the center of both parties. So even there is competition between the parties, but they coincide in Krishna.

Letter to Sri Govinda das, 6 December, 1974

December 5

Our London center has managed to have one local newspaper devote a two-page spread to a comic book feature of the story of Prahlada Maharaja as depicted by Gaurasundara and Govinda Dasi. This is very nice propaganda so as much as possible we should try for overflooding publications with similar of our stories. We have so many artists now in Boston and also New York so if someone can work on this idea it will be very nice.

Letter to Jadurani, 5 December, 1968

December 4

...when one becomes accustomed to inoffensive chanting, then his fruit is that he is promoted to the stage of pure Love of Godhead, or prema. This prema is the perfectional stage of consciousness and the most blissful by very far.

Letter to Sivananda, 4 December, 1968

November 30

Our policy should be cost price, or if a little more (10% above cost) is required for other expenses, that may be added. But it is not that we are in business to make profit from each other. With the public, that is a different thing. But our real business is to spread Krishna Consciousness, and for that our centers require so many things like books, tapes, photos, like that and these should be freely exchanged between the temples to be utilized nicely in preaching work, without profit-making.

Letter to Rupanuga, 30 November, 1971

November 29

The university community is also a prime target for our propaganda work and I am most pleased to know that classes are being regularly taught at the universities and other classes are using our books as texts. You are one of our intelligent devotees, so please try your best to convince the students of the necessity for chanting Hare Krsna Mahamantra.

Letter to Damodara, 29 November, 1970

November 28

I have asked you all to address your Godbrothers as prabhu. This prabhu means boss. If everyone of us thinks of his fellow worker as boss there is no question of misunderstanding. The mistake is that being addressed as boss or prabhu one thinks himself as exactly Prabhu or the boss. One should not forget himself as humble servant even though one is addressed as prabhu.

Letter to Nandarani, 28 November, 1967

November 26

As far as your grhastha community committee, I have no objection as it has the approval of Karandhara prabhu and he is there for you all to take advice from. One thing is though that we should not take such meetings and committees too seriously, as in the ultimate capacity our chanting is the only thing that will save us. However, if sometimes devotees should like to come together and chant Hare Krsna and discuss, just as we instituted our Istagosthi program, then this of course I have no objection to.

Letter to Umapati, 26 November, 1973

November 25

Simply criticizing and no work, that is the business of inferior men. So do not be disturbed by them, go on with your work, increasing more and more. Never mind the jackals howl.

Letter to Nityananda, 25 November, 1972
