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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

January 19

Sravanam kirtanam is the beginning - to chant and hear. Book distribution is under this category of sravanam kirtanam. The next item is smaranam. If somebody simply remembers the Supreme Lord, that is also as good as sravanam kirtanam. Then there is arcanam. That is also as good as the others, but one who simply becomes engaged in arcanam and does nothing of sravanam kirtanam, his position becomes in the material field. Any one of the nine processes is as good as the other. There is no question of inferior or superior. But out of all of them sravanam kirtanam is very important.

Letter to Satsvarupa Maharaja, January 19, 1975

January 18

In the material world competition one thinks my competitor can do so much, how can I bring him down? In the spiritual world there is appreciation: he has done so nicely, I could not do so well.

Letter to Ramesvara, January 18, 1976

January 17

We must become so responsible for seriously practicing this art of Krishna Consciousness, because this world is so full of degrading elements of life for dragging everyone down and down, and if just a few men can perfect the art, they can save the rest of all the people from the greatest dangers.

Letter to Ranadhira, January 17, 1972

January 16

So far as your question about evolution, you should know that the aspects of this theory which are actually correct offer no contradiction to the Vedic version. This whole topic has been very nicely explained in an article in Back To Godhead, "Evolution, the God That's Failing''. So I refer you to this article which was in a few issues back. This should clear up your questions.

Letter to Upendra, January 16, 1969

January 15

Your fear that the entire society will be in danger by Raymond's editing of the Gita is not very suitable remark. Rayarama may not be as qualified as you are, but his one qualification that he is fully surrendered to Krishna and his Spiritual Master is the first class recommendation for his editing any one of our literatures, because editing of Vedic literatures does not depend on academic education. It is clearly stated in the Upanisads that one who has implicit faith in God as well as in the Spiritual Master, to him only the import of Vedic literature is revealed.

Letter to Hayagriva, January 15, 1968

January 14

Being in the disciplic succession of Prahlada Maharaja certainly we are not interested for our personal liberation as much as we want to work for the liberation of the conditioned souls because Krishna desires it. So you are an intelligent girl, I need not talk much, and be happy in Krishna Consciousness business.

Letter to Jadurani, January 14, 1970

January 13

Dramas are alright if you can perform them nicely. Even if you don't speak them in English, they can be rendered into Hindi on the microphone while the drama goes on. But the puppet shows should be stopped. It is nonsense.

Letter to Aksayananda Maharaja, January 13, 1976

January 12

The books distribution in Los Angeles during the six day period is transcendental samadhi. They are working in trance, not on the material platform. No common man can work so hard, it is not possible. Working without sleep means no death. Sleeping is dead condition. "Jiv jago, jiva jago, gauracanda bole, kota nidra yao maya-pisacira kole.'' Your book distribution is really intoxication.

Letter to Ramesvara, January 12, 1976

January 11

I am glad to learn that your co-operation for this society is appreciated by the authorities, We should learn to forget and forgive minor incidents because whenever there are two men in a place, there is always some misunderstanding. Such misunderstanding happens even between husband and wife - what to speak of others. But we have to adjust things on the basis of Krishna Consciousness. We should always remember that K.C. is a challenge to the modern misguided human society, and we have to meet many unfavorable incidents.
But of we are sincere to Krishna and the Spiritual Master, combinedly, then everything will be favorable settled. We should always remember that K. C. can only remain on two parallel lines of Krishna and Spiritual Master. Chant Hare Krishna sincerely and all good intelligence consultation shall come from within. Krishna says that those who are engaged in My service, I give intelligence for his progressive march.

Letter to Gargamuni, January 11, 1968

January 10

Your songs and poems are very much liked by me. Syamasundara. informs me your proposal for travelling party for roving all over England and Wales, just like Kirtanananda is doing in America. I think this is a good proposal, and you may compose many such nice songs for attracting the young people from villages and towns. I very much approve of such travelling SKP program. And if you are able to infiltrate into schools and colleges for introducing Krishna Consciousness and selling our books, that is also very nice.

Letter to Kulasekhara, January 10, 1972
