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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

March 7

Regarding your questions; yes, Ramadevi is the sandhini attribute of cit-sakti because her function is for creation, and the jivas are members of the samvit attribute of cit-sakti. The demigods are included within the species of human life.

Letter to Rupanuga, March 7, 1970

March 6

I am so glad to learn that you felt too much inconvenience in the company of the karmis in your last tour to Los Angeles. There is a verse in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu in which it is stated, the more you advance in Krishna Consciousness, the more you become disgusted with the material modes of life. When the American boys are disgusted with cigarette smokers, or listening to rock music and meaningless chattering, it means there is Krishna's Grace. May Krishna bless you more and more, as you advance in Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Rayarama, March 6, 1969

March 5

So your idea of having a large boat traveling from city to city is very encouraging. So if you have got the means, then go ahead and do it. Krishna Conscious men aboard ship and chanting Hare Krishna is very nice program and the coastal people may take advantage of this transcendental vibration and be benefited. So do it cooperatively with Hayagriva Prabhu and let me know of your progress.

Letter to Abhirama das, March 5, 1971

March 4

So, all these varieties show will be so attractive with melodious musical sounds, and above all our good behavior and advanced Krishna Consciousness, will make this show very successful.

Letter to Hamsaduta, March 4, 1968

March 3

It is very encouraging to me that you are regularly chanting your twenty rounds of beads daily. Be careful never to decrease but increase the number and you will become more strong in Krsna Consciousness. So continue to tend your Deities first-class and be happy in Krsna's service.

Letter to Mr. DDD, March 3, 1970

2 марта

Мы должны прививать нашим ученикам и самим себе такой дух, что даже если весь мир будет против нас (что является невозможным), Движение Санкиртаны должно развиваться независимо от каких-либо археологических свидетельств или иных научных достижений.

Письмо Джанардане, 2 марта 1969

March 1

We try to make a solution of our misfortunes, but at the same time we want to keep this body. People do not understand the simple truth that if anyone wants real happiness, he has to get out of the entanglements of this material body, which is only possible by practice of Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Brahmananda, March 1, 1968

February 18

Regarding your jewelry engagement, you must finish the examination very satisfactorily first. Things which have taken for so long time must be terminated in good result and the same may be offered to Krsna. Krsna is ready to accept service from all directions, and our Krsna Consciousness movement is particularly meant for this purpose. So when you pass your examination, then we shall consider what to do next.

Letter to Krsna dasa, February 18, 1970

February 17

Regarding your questions, matter originally is spirit and when spirit is not distinctly understood, that is matter. Just like a tree is also a manifestation of spirit soul, but the consciousness is covered. When the tree is cut, it does not protest. But the moving entity has stronger consciousness than the tree. There is consciousness in the tree though. Also consciousness in a dormant state is matter; consciousness in a completely developed state is spirit. Matter is the symbol of undeveloped consciousness.

Letter to Madhava das, February 17, 1976

February 16

I am always very much encouraged to hear from my disciples and to reply them, but now I am old man and I have inclination for philosophy and translating, and if all day and night I am reading and answering and signing letters then I cannot utilize this, the fag end of my life, to give you so many nice literatures like the Vedas, Upanisads, Puranas, Ramayana, Mahabharata, and other books in our own Gaudiya line, like Rupa Goswami, Sanatana Goswami, Visvanatha Cakravarti and others. So if the GBC which I have appointed for this task will kindly now assist me in this way, by handling very expertly and with all good consideration all matters of managing, I shall devote my full time to giving you further nice books.

Letter to Kirtika dasi, February 16, 1972
