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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

February 15

Also, Bhaktijana is there in N.Y., he may be nicely treated as he has come back, so he will understand the philosophy nicely. I have asked him to chant 64 rounds instead of 16.

Letter to Brahmananda, February 15, 1968

February 14

It is stated in the Vedic literature that there are many planets where the inhabitants are more advanced than the inhabitants of this earth planet. So it is not unlikely that such people may have developed space traveling methods. They occupy higher posts in the creation of the Lord and so they may be considered as demigods in the same way as the president is specially empowered by the nation, but this does not mean that such spacemen are necessarily carrying the messages of the Lord, just as the business of the state employee is not to act as the state representative but he acts in his particular job.

Letter to Madhudvisa, February 14, 1970

February 12

The strong hand of Maya is insurmountable as it is stated in the Bhagavad-gita. But if one sticks to Krishna Consciousness with firmness, then he can easily surmount. My instructions I have already given to you, how to chant the beads, and how to protect yourself from the offenses. I shall advise you again to chant always, increasing the counting, namely, 16 rounds is generally prescribed, but for the time being you can stop all other activities and increase the chanting to 64 rounds.

Letter to Bhaktijana, February 12, 1968

February 9

We should always remember that our body is not for sense gratification; it is for Krishna’s service only. And to render very good sound service to Krishna we should not neglect the upkeep of the body.

Letter to Rayarama dasa, February 9, 1969

February 6

Concerning the woman's duty, if she gets married, that does not necessarily mean that she must give up any of her service in the temple or on sankirtana, but she must also see to it that her household duties are not neglected.

Letter to Sri Govinda das, February 6, 1975

February 1

One who worships the Deity with great devotion but doesn't show any devotion to the devotees of the Lord, or doesn't preach Krishna Consciousness for the benefit of the general public, he is in the lower stage of devotional service.

Letter to Madhusudana, February 1, 1968

January 28

You may be pleased to know that your husband has now taken sannyasa order of life for preaching the message of Lord Caitanya. Similarly you have gone alone to Hyderabad for pushing on the preaching work and I am very glad to hear that you have arrived safely. Regarding the two girls from America, I have no objection to them coming to assist you if they agree. It would be good service for all of them, especially Kalindi has suffered some difficulty since her husband has taken sannyasa. But I know that you are very strong in Krsna Consciousness. So very strictly now maintain our principles by chanting 16 rounds on the beads, reading our books, working in every second of your life for serving Krsna. this sincere attitude will make you more and more advance and one day Krsna will reveal Himself to you face to face.

Letter to Palika Devi dasi, January 28, 1973

January 22

Actually this Krishna Consciousness Movement inaugurated by Lord Caitanya is the only panacea for all the diseases of the material world; the missing point is forgetfulness of God. This is not a new thing because the reason for our material existence is forgetfulness of our relationship with God. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu very mercifully reclaimed the fallen souls especially in this age by this short-cut method of chanting Hare Krishna Mantra.

Letter to Barindra Babu, January 22, 1970

January 21

For our English edition I have instructed Satsvarupa that there should only be one article by myself no more than four pages in length and that the remainder of the magazine should be made up of articles by our students. Also, so far as the order of presentation, first my Guru Maharaja or senior acaryas, then myself, then our sannyasis, and then other students. In this way you can present our French BTG and that will be very nice.

Letter to Gopala Krsna, January 21, 1971

January 20

So far your telling me that some devotees consider that because there may be some grammatical discrepancies in my Srimad-Bhagavatam, first canto, then they may also be allowed to translate with errors accepted, that is just like imitating Raslila.

Letter to Mandali Bhadra, January 20, 1972
