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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 15

So far your wife is concerned, you have given her one son, so that is sufficient - now she will always have some engagement to raise the child and train him in Krishna Consciousness, so you can be free to devote yourself more fully in spreading this Krishna Consciousness movement.

Letter to Citsukhananda, 15 April, 1972

April 14

It is very encouraging to learn that you are so enthusiastic to sell BTG. I consider sale of BTG so valuable because in the beginning I worked for BTG day and night alone in India. I still remember the hardship for pushing on this BTG. In the beginning, when I was householder, I did not care if somebody paid or not paid; I used to distribute liberally. But when I left my household life and I was living alone sometimes in Vrndavana and sometimes in Delhi or sometimes travelling for pushing on BTG, they were very hard days. Therefore, when BTG will be published not in hundreds of thousands, but in millions, that will give me great solace.

Letter to Madhudvisa, 14 April, 1970

April 13

There is no question of installing more than one set of Radha Krsna deities. The smaller set of Radha Krsna deities may be set on the altar at the feet of the larger ones, as you describe. But they are not installed.

Letter to Bhakta dasa, 13 April, 1974

April 12

If we have regular plan of selling books, then there will be no scarcity of money...

Letter to Giriraja, 12 April, 1972

April 11

Push on your program at schools and colleges, vigorously, as you have been doing, and try to teach classes there also. That affords the ideal opportunity for introducing our books. Try and get KRSNA book and Bhagavad-gita AS IT IS recommended by the professors. Door to door Sankirtana is very nice program also, and a very nice means for distributing the books, so increase it more and more.

Letter to Krsnakanti, April 11, 1971

April 10

Regarding Jadurani's question, hearing the vibration of Hare Krishna automatically reminds one of Krishna's Pastimes. So both of them arise simultaneously in the mind when one is sincerely chanting. So you cannot make any distinction between listening to the sound and thinking of the Pastimes. But the process is to hear, and then Krishna's Pastimes, Form, Qualities, etc. will automatically come to mind: That is very nice.

Letter to Satsvarupa dasa, 10 April 1969

April 9

The temples must be maintained.

Letter to Rupanuga, 9 April 1971

April 8

You don't want to become a great artist to satisfy the senses of the public. If your present paintings are not acceptable to the general public, I do not mind; they are fools. You continue trying your best to make your pictures as far they can be nice looking, but not to satisfy the senses of the rascal public.

Letter to Jadurani devi dasi, April 8, 1968

April 7

We especially have to try to attract the educated young men and women in your country so that in future there will be many strong leaders to keep our Krsna Consciousness Movement strong.

Letter to Govinda dasa, April 7, 1973

April 4

Simply use this marital life for spreading the glories of Lord Krishna and in this very lifetime you will be promoted to associate with Krishna in Goloka Vrindaban.

Letter to: Vaikunthanatha and Saradia, April 4, 1971
