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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 27

We are not much concerned about the temple because temple worship is not primary factor in this age. Primary factor is Sankirtana. But sometimes we want a center where people may gather and see, so a temple is required secondarily.

Letter to Mukunda, 27 May, 1969

May 26

We have now received the full set of paintings for the first volume of KRSNA book, and they are all very, very excellent. So your art department is doing very nicely, and surely the production will improve even more by the grace of Krsna. You are all being inspired just how to portray the Lord and His associates for the devotees' eyes, so everyone who sees to these transcendental pictures will turn to become devotees - that is our aim.

Letter to Jadurani, 26 May, 1970

May 25

Try to keep up this present standard and think of new ways to make it always fresh and attractive. Krsna is all attractive and evergreen, and you must use your talent to layout the magazine so that Krsna appears in print as He is.

Letter to Indra-pramada das, 25 May, 1974

May 24

Actually it is the duty of the spiritual master to find fault with his students so that they may make progress, not that he should always be praising them. So if you find some criticism, kindly accept it in that spirit. I am only interested in that you along with all my other students should become Krishna Conscious.

Letter to Giriraja, 24 May 1972

May 23

You say that you are following the regulative principles, so if you are following the regulative principles, why you will not cooperate? If by following the regulative principles you do not become devotees, and you can not appreciate other devotees, then what is the use of these regulative principles? If you are actually chanting regularly 16 rounds, holding sankirtana daily, reading our books as much as possible, like that, then I think you will feel that such program of living separately, away from our Krishna consciousness program is a great mistake.

Letter to Friends, 23 May, 1972

May 22

Always remain engaged in the service of Krishna. That is the sure and safe method to be safe from the grip of Maya. Maya will never touch you if you are cent percent serving Krishna. Follow the rules carefully, chant at least 16 rounds, read and study my books deeply, and in this way be enthusiastic about going back to Godhead in this life.

Letter to Rasarani devi dasi, 22 May, 1975

May 21

The aim of our education should be, whatever education we might have got, we must satisfy the Lord by such education. That is the perfection of life.

Letter to Niranjana, 21 May, 1973

May 20

If children are allowed to play just like Krishna was playing with his cowherd boyfriends, then little ABC, then see the deity and have arati, then take little prasadam; in this way if they are always diversified, they will be always jolly and become fixed-up devotees at young age. And small children, they learn better these things from their mother and women in general.

Letter to Dayananda, 20 May, 1972

May 19

I am very glad to hear that you are continuing your drawing work nicely. This is your business. Krishna has given you some special talent and you are using it for spreading His glories. This is wanted.

Letter to Govinda dasi, 19 May, 1975

May 18

Thank you very much for your complete report of the situation in London. We can understand from this incident that the most important point is that everyone, especially the leaders, must always stick to the basic regulative practices that I have given, especially 16 rounds each day.

Letter to Bhagavan, 18 May, 1973
