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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 17

Outdoor kirtana must be done, even at the cost of suspending all editorial work. That is your first and foremost business. Temple worship is not so important. If need be, the whole temple can be locked, but the outdoor kirtana cannot be stopped.

Letter to Rayarama, 17 May, 1969

16 мая

Что же касается твоего желания поклоняться Божеству Шад-Бхуджа [шестирукой форме Господа Шри Чаитаньи Махапрабху], то если ты начнешь отвлекаться на поклонение, это будет не слишком хорошо: время дорого. Для даршана можешь держать у себя изображение.

Письмо Яшоданандане Махарадже, 16 мая 1976

May 16

As regards your desire for Sadbhuja Deity, if your divert your attention to worship, that will not be good. Time is short. You can keep one picture for your darsana.

Letter to Yasodanandana Maharaja, 16 May, 1976

16 мая

Что же касается твоего желания поклоняться Божеству Шад-Бхуджа [шестирукой форме Господа Шри Чаитаньи Махапрабху], то если ты начнешь отвлекаться на поклонение, это будет не слишком хорошо: время дорого. Для даршана можешь держать у себя изображение.

Письмо Яшоданандане Махарадже, 16 мая 1976

May 15

Regarding your idea of pressing a 10" record, if you can sell these in ordinary stores, that's all right, but don't depend simply on temple sales. Depending on temple sales is not businesslike.

Letter to Dinesh, 15 May, 1969

May 14

Regarding your questions about Sankirtana Party, I think you should try to always have Sankirtana going on. All other things are subsidiary. This chanting is our life and soul, so we must arrange our program now so that there will be as much chanting on the streets and at college engagements as possible.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 14 May, 1969

May 13

Your next festival will be as follows: RAIRAYA - On this day the Gopis played by making Radharani a Queen, and She is seated on a gorgeous throne, and Krishna is made as Her doorman of the palace, so He is standing by the throne-room with a sword. So this is one Pastime arranged by the Gopis, and there is nice feasting, dancing and singing on account of the coronation of Srimati Radharani.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 13 May, 1969

May 12

Now I want the worship of Sri Sri Radha Krishna to be very seriously undertaken by you, and try to see they are always satisfied in every way. This is the ultimate in arcana worship, so the standard must be the highest.

Letter to Bhagavan, 12 May, 1972

May 11

Jayananda's death is glorious. It is very good that he had stated, what is the use of such a useless body, better to give it up. He has left his body very wonderfully, and he has been transferred to Vaikuntha. I have already sent a condolence letter for publication in Back To Godhead. Everyone should follow the example of Jayananda. I am very proud that I had such a nice disciple. If possible Jayananda's picture should be hung in the ratha of Lord Jagannatha, and in all of our temples a day may be set aside for holding a festival in his honor, just as we do on the disappearance day of the other great Vaisnavas.

Letter to Ramesvara, 11 May, 1977

May 10

Please try to organize the new center as nicely as possible even at personal inconvenience - that is real service. Krsna is sitting in everyone's heart, He knows everything what to do, so depend on Him and do your duties patiently. Maya is very strong, and we are liable to fall down at any moment. We have to gather our strength by chanting the beads sixteen rounds regularly and praying to the lotus feet of Krsna for guidance.

Letter to Bali-mardana and Upendra, 10 May 1970
