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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 3

So competition, disagreement, or even dissension, if they are there, and the center is Krishna, such disagreement is not material.

Letter to Krsna dasa, April 3, 1969

April 2

Also we have formed the Bhaktivedanta Institute for organizing scientific presentations of Krishna Consciousness. This party is our most important preaching arm with which we will be able to destroy the bogus speculation and cheating which goes under the banner of scientific advancement.

Letter to Dravida dasa, April 2, 1977

march 31

There is no need of adding further Deities. Once installed it cannot be changed. Do not make it childish, too much addition of Deities will encumber us. At first, either Panca Tattva or Gaura-Nitai Deities may be installed, taking care that there is sufficient space. There is no need to consult with me for these installations, the local president can decide whether the circumstances are opportune.

Letter to Karandhara, March 31, 1973

March 30

And you will have ample opportunity to educate children and write books for them because there is sufficient matter for publishing such books from the Puranas, Mahabharata, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and many other allied literatures. There are thousands of ideal historical events, which if we can put with suitable pictures, it will be a great idea and people will like to have such literature.

Letter to Satyabhama, March 30, 1969

March 29

Regarding moving with Sankirtana Party, as Kirtanananda Maharaja is doing now, it will be another impetus for pushing forward our mission. Please do this business very nicely. Caitanya Mahaprabhu also did like that and He presented Himself as a merchant in Krsna Consciousness selling the transcendental commodity in exchange of eagerness of the people. If people simply become faithful to the understanding of Krsna Consciousness, that will be the price for our transcendental commodity, Hare Krsna Mantra.

Letter to Rupanuga, March 29, 1970

March 28

Both Sri Dhama and Nandakisora are good administrators of Prasadam which is our peak medicine for driving away Maya; so I have all blessings for them. Let them chant Hare Krsna and distribute Prasadam, and things will come very quickly.

Letter to Satsvarupa, March 28, 1970

March 27

The point is that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and He is always purusa (male) not female (prakrti). "purusam sasvatam divyam, adi devam ajam vibhum.'' Worship of the mother aspect is prakrti, not recommended by Krishna for the intelligent class of men.

Letter to Pranada das, March 27, 1976

March 26

Our next ceremony is Lord Ramacandra's Birthday, on the 7th of April. It should be observed in the same way as Lord Caitanya's Appearance Day, namely, fasting up to evening and then accept Prasadam, and all our ceremonies should be performed with continuous Kirtana, of Hare Krishna, Hare Rama. That will make all our functions successful.

Letter to Mukunda, March 26, 1968

March 25

Regarding publication of my books, you know that since I have come here the work is stopped and that is great loss for me. My primary duty is to publish the Srimad-Bhagavatam and finish it in my life. But preaching in the western countries is also my duty as it was ordered by my Spiritual Master. I thought that I shall be able to publish my books from America but it is very much expensive: therefore I have to get books published from India at any cost.

Letter to Sri Krishnaji, March 25, 1967

March 24

It is good that you are keeping even greater amount of faith in Krishna, and are chanting 35 rounds daily. Keep up this good attitude and surely you will be saved from all dangers.

Letter to Syama dasi, March 24, 1969
