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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

March 23

Of course, as individuals, we have sometimes disagreements, but that should be adjusted keeping our central attention to Krishna. So what is done is done; hence forward, you do everything jointly and we shall put out at least one issue of BTG French edition every month - even it may consist of one printed page only, still it must be published once monthly. That is my desire.

Letter to Dayala Nitai, March 23, 1969

March 20

Regarding printing of KRSNA on the cover and Title, it should not be "KRSNA Book,'' but it should be "KRSNA'' in large type on the first line, that is the Title, and on the second line, by way of adjective, "The Supreme Personality of Godhead'' should be printed in smaller type.

Letter to Brahmananda, March 20, 1970

March 19

Now the thing is that we are opening new branches all over the world, and we require so many pictures in our temples so that people may come and see and be attracted by the beauty of Krishna. That is needed. The people today are fascinated by so much of the glimmering so-called beauty of the external energy, and there is necessity of seeing beautiful pictures of Krishna and His devotees and His Pastimes, in order to attract them to the spiritual process. So this is a great service.

Letter to Madhavi Lata dasi, March 19, 1969

March 18

If you can work co-operatively, that is wanted, but if you cannot work with Narayana, that doesn't mean that you can disturb his program. He is working hard under the direction of Hrdayananda Gosvami. He is not under your authority. If you want to preach there, that is alright, but you cannot interfere with the work that Narayana is doing. If there is any difficulty, we can discuss it in India.

Letter to Hanuman, March 18, 1975

March 13

We wish to make a world tour with this Sankirtana Party - that is my ambition. I do not know what is Krishna's desire, but if it is successful, I am sure to push our movement very nicely this will be the way.

Letter to Yamuna, March 13, 1969

March 12

So far the Advent Day of Lord Caitanya is concerned, I have written a full suggestion to Montreal, in which the main points are that we should all observe strict fasting up till moonrise, and at that time, an offering is made to Lord Caitanya of Ekadasi foods, fruits, peanuts, milk, and so forth. Then, on the next day, Friday the 15th, a full-scale feast is held to celebrate His Advent Day. On the 14th, chanting, reading of Srila Bhaktivinode's book, Life and Precepts and Caitanya Caritamrta, Introduction to Bhagavatam, may be held all the day in the Temple.

Letter to Balai, March 12, 1968

March 11

Gaura Nitai Deities may be approved and ordered by the local Temple presidents with consultation of the GBC. There should be at least three or four brahmanas available. So there is no need to delay any shipments if these qualifications are met.

Letter to Govinda dasi, March 11, 1973

March 10

Because we are all individuals sometimes there is disagreement between devotees. When non-devotees quarrel they cannot stop and end up killing each other. But the devotees' disagreement does not last long because they patch it up for Krsna's sake, because they are all working for the same end - Krsna's service.

Letter to Bhumata dasi, March 10, 1973

9 марта

В этой связи, чтобы сохранить духовную силу, всегда строго исполняй предписание повторять шестнадцать кругов ежедневно, и никогда от него не отступай. Это чрезвычайно важно для уверенного духовного прогресса.

Письмо Рудре дасу, 9 марта 1970

March 8

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 3 March, 1970, along with the "Govindam'' record. The record is so nice that I am playing it at least once in a day and it is giving me transcendental pleasure with tears in my eyes. I am sure this record will be the first-class "hit'' as already opined by the experts. Certainly this has come out so successful because of George's sincere effort in Krsna Consciousness.

Letter to Syamasundara, March 8, 1970
