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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

October 16

Regarding the older boys, they can do gardening engagement and other brahmacari engagements, study and manual work. And, as soon as they can read Sanskrit and English, they should read our books, such as Bhagavad-gita As It Is. By cleansing the temple and growing flowers their attention in this way be always in Krsna consciousness. That will save them from the clutches of maya.

Letter to Dayananda, 16 October, 1973

October 14

Our ISKCON Society married couples means that both parties fully are engaged in Krishna's service. I have noted your several complaints against the devotees but it would be better to set the example rather than to criticize the defects of the devotees. We should always remember that we recruit members from people in general. It is not expected that every one of our members should be immediately to the standard qualification. The best thing for you is to set the example by your personal behavior and try to reform the others, not by criticizing but by friendly behavior. If sometimes there are any disagreements, we should try to forget such incidences and be always in friendship with each other. So I hope you will immediately return to your husband and forget all these disagreements and fully cooperate for developing our Berlin center.

Letter to Vrinda devi, 14 October, 1971

October 12

I also thank you for sending the copies of the letters of the people expressing their appreciation of our books. I am glad that these letters are being answered promptly by you. This is important.

Letter to Ramesvara, 12 October, 1973

October 11

We must have our books printed, we have wasted much time in the matter of editing and finding out a suitable publisher. When I was alone there were three volumes published but during the last two years I could not publish a single volume more. It is a great defeat. If I have one or two sincere souls like you and if we can make more publications, then our mission will be a great success. I am prepared to sit down underneath a tree with one sincere soul and in such activity I shall be free from all diseases.

Letter to Brahmananda, 11 October, 1967

October 9

There is no question of leaving our society. One may think like that but I cannot allow you to leave. That is my inspiration. Those who have left the society I am always thinking of them. Especially for you there is no question of leaving. Stay in Melbourne and preach with steady determination. I am glad to learn that you are in steady correspondence with Karandhara and am sure he will give you all good direction. So don't be agitated by anyone's so-called demand but you stick to your preaching work, husband and wife, chanting and following the regulative principles. Don't be agitated by trifle things. Remain steady and go on with preaching work. Krishna will help you in every way.

Letter to Upendra, 9 October, 1971

October 8

Regarding your idea for a jewelry shop, it is nice. You become an expert jeweler and you must open a jewelry shop to earn millions of dollars for spending in Krishna Consciousness. Your father is a kind gentleman. I have all good wishes for him, and Krishna will also be very much pleased upon him because he has such a nice devotee son. So your father will also be pleased if you open a jewelry shop. It is a good opportunity both ways: to keep good relations with your father and to make money and serve Krishna with the money profusely. Your plan for supplying the temples with nice ornaments for their Deities is also very good. We should decorate our temple Deities with first class ornaments and nice flowers.

Letter to Krsna dasa, 8 October, 1969

October 8

Regarding your idea for a jewelry shop, it is nice. You become an expert jeweler and you must open a jewelry shop to earn millions of dollars for spending in Krishna Consciousness. Your father is a kind gentleman. I have all good wishes for him, and Krishna will also be very much pleased upon him because he has such a nice devotee son. So your father will also be pleased if you open a jewelry shop. It is a good opportunity both ways: to keep good relations with your father and to make money and serve Krishna with the money profusely. Your plan for supplying the temples with nice ornaments for their Deities is also very good. We should decorate our temple Deities with first class ornaments and nice flowers.

Letter to Krsna dasa, 8 October, 1969

October 2

It is clearly said here [BG 18.67] that one should follow Sri Krishna alone. If any body makes his choice not to follow him surely he will have relative result. Bhagavad-gita is mostly read by almost all classes of people of the world but unfortunately they are accepted in an independent choice of indirect interpretation. That is a deviation and for that reason only they cannot derive the direct benefit. Letter to Mr. Bailey, October 2, 1951

September 30

The Institute will be primarily for those who have not entered our temples. The subject matter will not be different from what is taught in our temples. There will be no difference between our temples and the Institute, but the Institute will be official for the general mass. It will be a formal education and they will get degree. It will be open for everyone, including those who have already entered our temples, they may also participate. But, the subject matter should not be different from what is in the temples.

Letter to Svarupa Damodara das, 30 September, 1975

September 29

Personally I wish all the existing GBC may be trained up so perfectly that in the future in my absence they can manage the whole Society very nicely and strongly. That is my desire. At least in this stage of my life it is not at all desirable that there be any factions amongst yourselves. Try to settle up amicably and correct yourself. One man is trained up with great difficulty especially in spiritual life. Everyone has got some weakness and deficiency. It is better to correct or mend it than to break it.

Letter to Hamsaduta das, 29 September, 1974
