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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

September 16

Regarding your program of duties for the brahmacaris and brahmacarinis and grhastha men and women, this is a very nice arrangement. The girls should manage internally and the boys should manage externally. So all of you have my hearty blessings for your kind service to Lord Krsna. Be always engaged in this way and become happy.

Letter to Yamuna, 16 September, 1970

September 15

In Bengal there is a proverb that even if there are some dead metal utensils but when they are together they make so much noise, so what to speak of living utensils. So this is natural, but since we are all pledged to work for Krsna we should follow the principle of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu trnad api sunicena taror api sahisnuna. This is Vaisnavism. So my request is do not be agitated. Let us do our duty honestly. Krsna will give us the intelligence to do everything nicely.

Letter to Ramesvara das, 15 September, 1974

September 7

Sincere devotional service in even one lifetime is sufficient to make one eligible to return to the Vaikuntha world permanently. Krishna Consciousness has got this power.

Letter to Madhudvisa, 7 September, 1969

September 6

So try to learn this philosophy nicely in association with other devotees and certainly you will be able to do great benefit to your fellow countrymen.

Letter to Mr. Jiri Svoboda, September 6, 1974

September 5

In this age, chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra is the prime business of the devotee, and preaching of this Hare Krishna Mantra by outdoor Sankirtana and propagation of literature is our more important business. Side by side, Deity worship is recommended, but when there is a question of accepting one of them, we shall prefer to accept chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra first.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 5 September, 1969

September 3

Yes, it is good that you have understood me about not investing any BBT money in business.

Letter to Ramesvara das, 3 September, 1974

September 1

What you have done is good. Why should you remarry? Rather you should take sannyasa. Now you are getting very good training. Why has Jayatirtha suggested you to remarry? In Delhi there is a certain kind of laddu which has such a taste, that anyone who has tasted it once, he laments, oh how I would like to taste again. And anyone who has never tasted, he also laments, oh I have never tasted. So one who has tasted, and one who has not tasted, both are lamenting. Wife is like that. You have already tasted, now you are lamenting. But my advice to you is not to try to taste again, otherwise your lamentation will increase. You have got no children, so you are free, so take sannyasa. Sex life is nasty, but out of illusion we think it is nice. Now you are experienced, so don't take sex life again. You should not take sannyasa out of sentiment nor artificially, but it is better to accept it anyway.

Letter to Jayananda das, 1 September, 1975

August 31

Vallabhacarya's teachings are bona fide. This difference of opinion is there always. Just like you differ with your husband, but that doesn't mean that you and your husband are not devotees.

Letter to Ekayani, 31 August, 1971

August 29

The best preparation for the coming of the child is just for the parents to remain perfectly Krishna Conscious, and of course, the best means for that is by chanting the holy Names and listening to Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 29 August, 1967

August 28

Yes that is nice that you are distributing many books. I do not want money, or buildings or anything else, I simply want to see that my books are being distributed and because you are doing that I am quite happy.

Letter to Prahladananda, 28 August, 1973
