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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

January 23

We must remember always that we are part and parcel of God. So we have all the good qualities of God; that is our nature.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.16.26-30, Hawaii, January 23, 1974

January 22

I want to form a sankirtana party in which two members will play mrdanga, eight will play the cymbals, two will play on tampura, and one harmonium, besides that there will be the leader of the party. This party will be so trained that exhibitions of our chanting and dancing along with distribution of prasadam will be performed on a stage and for this performance we will sell tickets to the public. It will be known as a spiritual movement. Suppose if we begin it from New York and there is good response from the public, then our attempt will be successful prior to our traveling all over the world. We will earn money by stage exhibitions and attract attention of the elite public and move from one station to another.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 22 January, 1968

January 21

I am so glad the press workers have become enlivened in their work. This is required if we at all wish to be a truly worldwide organization. Worldwide means worldwide distribution of literatures. That is the business of ISKCON Press. Now you are again in charge, so please see that everything gets done with the cooperation of GBC. Everything must be done cooperatively.

Letter to Advaita, 21 January, 1971

January 20

With great pleasure I have noted your unbounded enthusiasm to carry out this great mission of spreading the light of love of Godhead in this hellish material world. That is the only requirement for successfully completing the perfection of the living condition, that you should always be enthusiastic to perform services unto the Lotus Feet of the Lord despite all obstacles, and then you can be assured that all of the other qualities or necessities for pure devotional service will be met, such as patience, determination, etc. and then without doubt you shall be delivered to the realm of unlimited bliss, freed from all anxieties.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 20 January, 1972

January 19

The term Devi Dasi may be used for either married or unmarried female devotees.

Letter to Anuradha, 19 January, 1969

January 18

Brahmin also means pandita, so they must be able to support their preaching by quoting sastric references. Particularly, they should study Bhagavad-gita, Sri Isopanisad, Nectar of Devotion and Nectar of Instruction as well as all the small paperbacks.

Letter to Yashomatinandan, 18 January, 1976

January 17

That is the difference between animal life and human life. Human life is meant for restriction. The more you restrict your material sense gratification, the more you are advanced. This is the standard. Not that "Because I have got the tendency to act like this, let me do it unrestrictedly." That is not human civilization; that is cats' and dogs' civilization. Human civilization means tapasya, austerity.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.16.21, Hawaii, 17 January, 1974

January 16

If Prasadam is to be honored in the Temple room, the curtains may be drawn before the Deities while the devotees are taking Prasadam. The best arrangement is to honor Prasadam in a separate room for the purpose, if possible.

Letter to Yamuna, 16 January, 1970

January 15

We have been recognized by the draft board as a religious society and if our student seriously understands the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita or Science of God, follows the regulative principles strictly with clear heart without any doubt, then naturally he is promoted to the ministerial status. So our Society is authorized to award the ministerial status but the students must be equally serious in understanding the philosophy.

Letter to Harer Nama, 15 January, 1970

January 14

As far as the Hindu religion is concerned, there are millions of Krsna temples in India, and there is not a single Hindu who does not worship Krsna. Therefore, this Krsna consciousness movement is not a concocted idea. We invite all scholars, philosophers, religionists, and members of the general public to understand this movement by critical study. And if one does so seriously, one will understand the sublime position of this great movement.

Letter to Editor of the Los Angeles Times, 14 January, 1970
