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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

January 13

Women are generally after sense gratification. That is the disease. Chant 24 hours a day and don't dress nicely to attract men. It is better that you don't make a large program. Remain a humble program. In bhakti there is no grotesque program. A humble program is better. We are doing all these grotesque programs to allure the masses. My Guru Maharaja used to say that no one hears from a person coming from a humble, simple life. You remain always very humble.

Letter to Yamuna and Dinatarine, 13 January, 1976

January 12

Regarding your proposal newsletter to all-ISKCON branches for recruiting men for agricultural work at Bhaktivedanta Manor. This is not a practical plan. No one from a for country will go to London for agricultural work. If you cannot find local men, how can expect men from other countries to come and work? I have experienced that even men of this country do not go to New Vrindaban. You know, Srutakirti who was my personal servant. He has now become married and Kirtanananda Maharaja asked him to go to New Vrindaban but he said he doesn't like farm life. People are now accustomed to live in the city and if all of a sudden he is transferred to the village then certainly he feels difficulty. Especially in the western countries, gradually even farmers are leaving their professional business and going to the city to enjoy facilities there. If you get local men to work at this agricultural attempt that will be better. Otherwise, don't spend time and money in distributing this newsletter.

Letter to Mukunda, 12 January, 1974

January 11

In the six day book distribution, Eastern zone was first. This is our most important work. All the leaders should tax their brains for increasing the sales of our books. I have always said that if we simply rely on book distribution all our needs will be met.

Letter to Rupanuga, 11 January, 1976

January 10

We come to this material world empty-handed and go away empty-handed. The things which we possess during our duration of life are first achieved and then let out along with all of our other temporary possessions. Therefore the best use of possessions during our lifetime is to dedicate it to the service of the Lord.

Letter to Mrs. Levine, 10 January, 1969

January 9

Our occupation must be honest. Everyone should adore our members as honest. If we do something which is deteriorating to the popular sentiments of the public in favor of our movement, that is not good. Somehow or other we should not become unpopular in the public eye. These dishonest methods must be stopped. It is hampering our reputation all over the world. Money collected for feeding people in India should be collected under the name ISKCON Food Relief. Not any other name. And every farthing of that money must be sent to India, or better yet, buy food grains there and ship them here and we will distribute. But every farthing collected for that purpose must be used for that purpose. I have already sent one letter to Ramesvara explaining these points.

Letter to Rupanuga das, 9 January, 1975

January 8

The original verse says that "All of them as they surrender unto Me, I reward accordingly. Everyone follows my path in all respects." This means that everyone is searching after that Absolute Truth.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.11-18, Los Angeles, January 8, 1969

January 7

You write that things are in a crises in England, with oil shortage and IRA bombing. Therefore, we have to take shelter of Krsna. If Krsna wants to kill us that is not wrong, if it is His desire. Our business should just to be to follow the regulative schedule, deity worship, distributing prasadam, chanting, book distribution and never mind the material danger.

Letter to Malati, 7 January, 1974

January 6

You must all study very scrutinizingly all of the books so that when the need arises you can repeat in your own words their purport.

Letter to Hrdayananda, 6 January, 1972

January 5

Now you and all of your men are experienced in distributing books to the libraries. If you can get our books placed in the public libraries it will be a great victory. Do whatever you think bet to make this possible. Yes, the reviews you are getting are very important. Many times I am showing them to influential gentlemen.

Letter to Satsvarupa Maharaja, 5 January, 1976

January 4

When the property is secured, then you can install the Deities. Otherwise, don't take the risk.

Letter to Balavanta, 4 January, 1977
