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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

April 10

That energy which covers the living entity which makes him forget is controlled by Krishna, but that same energy can be removed by Krishna, because it is always under His control. In other words, the living entity can overcome this influence of material energy, when Krishna removes that energy. Krishna can do it. He can remove all obstacles on the path, Krishna can take all suffering. Another name of Krishna is Mukunda, which means the giver of liberation. One simply must give up his envious position of the Lord.

April 10, 1996, Minsk

April 9

Krishna wants to fulfill our desires and if we want to enjoy separate from Him, Krishna will fulfill those desires. But because Krishna wants us go back home, back to Godhead, even more than we want to go, He fulfills our desires in such a way that we still are not happy. That is Krishna's mercy.

April 9, 1992, Minsk

April 8

We have to always tax our brains how to engage more and more people in Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan Movement, and sometimes the Lord may not manifest results just to increase our determination. On the other hand, sometimes, by using our intelligence we must make adjustments in preaching strategies. But we must always be careful to make sure that our adjustments are done for Krishna's pleasure and not for ourselves.

April 8, 1988, Letter Montreal

April 7

Therefore the Vaishnavas, the devotees of the Lord, are not interested in attaining any of these particular types of destinations. A Vaishnava is simply interested in achieving the lotus feet of the Lord.

April 7, 1998, Kiev

April 6

At first when one chants the Holy Name of the Lord, he should strive to chant very attentively certainly, but he also has to nourish that chanting. How does he nourish his chanting? He nourishes his chanting by hearing the revealed scriptures from the mouths of Vaishnavas. That is watering the root of the tree.

April 6, 2003, Hartford

April 5

The dharma of living being is to serve. It is described as our constitutional nature. It is a nature that we cannot take away. We can say "I don't want to serve", but everyone who has accepted a body is forced to serve. Even if they don't want to serve society, even if they don't want to serve friends, even if they don't want to serve family, they still have to serve the demands of their body.

April 5, 2009, Taichung

April 4

Sukadeva Goswami was tasting Srimad Bhagavatam by his recitation of Srimad Bhagavatam and because he was tasting it, it became sweet for others to taste also. That is how distribution of Krishna consciousness is meant to be performed.

April 4, 1999, Vilnius

April 3

The whole process of devotional service is creating the desire within the heart of wanting what Krishna and Lord Caitanya have come to give us. And the whole process of advancing in spiritual life is simply based on the development of faith that the Holy Name of the Lord is everything.

April 3, 2004, Doneck - Sunday Program

April 2

The result of proper hearing is that when one hears properly, he wants to do something for Krishna.

April 2, 1992, Odessa - SB

April 1

If we don't have any service, then there is no greater misfortune. And if we feel that we don't have any service, then we should chant more sincerely. We should feelingly chant to Krishna, " Please engage me in Your service," and Krishna will hear. It is all the workings of the internal energy. Devotional service has nothing to do with this material world. No one can get devotional service by any material method, because devotional service is given by Krishna.

April 1, 1992, Odessa
