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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

December 30

So real value of human life is to awaken the Lords pleasure and the Lord is pleased when His pure devotees are pleased.

December 30, 2007, Budapest

December 29

It is the spiritual master's duty to train his disciples, and humility and pridelessness are the ornaments of all Gaudiya Vaisnava’s.

December 29, 2001, Letter

December 26

We always have this conception that to achieve perfection of life means to take a journey, to go some place else besides being here. But actually if one transforms his consciousness, then wherever he is, is Vrndavan. The state of pure Krsna consciousness means that one has reached Krsna. Therefore the perfectional stage of life can be achieved when one is still within this body.

December 26, 1997, Kaunas

December 25

Relationships which exist between the servant and the master is that the servant always thinks himself as servant and the Lord sometimes places that servant in the position as His master.

December 25, 1997, Tallin

December 23

If we actually want to have prominent connection with Krsna, we have to be situated in devotional service and then the connection becomes very strong because Krsna doesn’t let go.

December 23, 1997, Tallin

December 22

We must get devotional service from somebody who has devotional service and develop the desire to obtain it. If one does not have that desire, then one will not be able to ever understand the mysteries of devotional service.

December 22, 1997, Riga

December 20

Therefore devotees always keep themselves in humble position by offering everything to the Lord. They accept whatever the Lord provides for them and this is the principle for spiritual economics.

December 20, 1997, Kiev

December 17

First we have simply to hear. That’s the most important thing. Gradually as the mind becomes purified, then one is able to understand how Krsna is present in His name, but we have to purify the mind by sound vibration.

December 17, 1994, Odessa

December 16

When one hankers for Krsna, one hankers for devotional service. And the more one hankers, the more one becomes purified.

December 16, 1994, Odessa

December 15

Chanting should be performed with some feeling. Whether the emotion is hankering for Krsna, remorse, repentance, eagerness to chant more attentively, remembrance of our favorite pastime, or whatever, when there is some feeling, our chanting becomes less mechanical and more spontaneous.

December 15, 2006, Letter
