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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

March 11

We have nothing to be proud of. Anyone who takes birth within this material world has nothing to be proud of.

March 11, 1993, Moscow

March 10

One must have the authority of the Lord to be successful in spreading Krishna consciousness. And this authority is only invested in one, who is the servant of a Vaisnava. Being the servant of a Vaisnava, the authority comes down from Krishna. And Krishna empowers one to spread the Holy Name.

March 10, 1991, Kiev

March 7

And even there may be appear some fault, even there may be appear some conflict, if everyone is trying to please Krsna, then that is the platform of harmony.

March 7, 2007, Hartford

March 6

Therefore Krsna manifests himself through His devotees. Those who have pure devotional service to Krsna, control Krsna and they have Krsna. And they can give Krsna to others.

March 6, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan

February 28

So the Lord is equal to everyone. But a devotee of the Lord understands the purpose of the Lord, and therefore a devotee of the Lord can be even more merciful, because the devotee will preach.

February 28, 2010, Budapest

February 26

There are so many pitfalls to management. If one is not careful, he can easily fall into them without realizing how it has happened. But, if you do not allow the pressures of management to influence your chanting, your sadhana, and your reading of Srila Prabhupada's books, then you will have the strength to avoid these pitfalls.

February 26, 2003, Letter

February 24

Nonetheless, as long as one has a material body, devotees still must engage in social dealings. But they know that these affairs do not give them internal satisfaction. The body needs to be maintained if we want to use it for hearing and chanting. Devotees therefore need to discuss or deal with these matters in a minimal way so that the real purpose of maintaining the body is not forgotten.

February 24, 2010, Blog

February 23

I am always grateful to read about my disciples' "inner" lives and not just what they are doing externally. The substance of our Krsna consciousness movement lies in the inner lives of our devotees.

February 23, 2003, Letter

February 21

You must balance your life in such a way, that you can optimize whatever time you have for your daily sadhana for increasing your remembrance of Krsna. If you make this duty a solid commitment in your life, then you will see that this life will go by very quickly, and, towards the end of this life, there will be nothing which will make you want to come back to this world again.

February 21, 2002, Letter

February 20

Devotees have no personal investment in their dealings - at least serious devotees. They get their fulfillment from a place beyond their day-to-day social dealings. Giving without expectation of return is the platform from which serious devotees operate.

February 20, 2010, Blog
