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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

April 23

There is no greater danger in this world than to forget Krishna. Therefore we have to be very, very careful that we don’t become too comfortable in this material world. Because if we become too comfortable, then there is always the risk that we are actually getting into that very dangerous position of forgetting Krishna.

April 23, 2008, Moscow

April 22

Real atonement means to awaken in one’s heart an attraction for the name, form, qualities, and pastimes of the Supreme Lord.

April 22, 1999, Dnepropetrovsk

April 21

Fruitive activities are an attempt to counteract suffering. That is what materialistic life is all about. It is just an artificial attempt to avoid pain.

April 21, 1994, Moscow

April 20

To the degree one actually surrenders to superior dictation, to that degree one gets help from within the heart from the Lord.

April 20, 1998, Kiev

April 19

The devotee of the Lord is like a rain cloud because he is carrying so much water, so much mercy. But water is coming from the ocean. The rain cloud is not carrying its own water; it’s getting water from the whole ocean. In the same way, a devotee is not carrying his own mercy, he is carrying Krishna’s mercy.

April 19, 1992, St. Petersburg

April 18

The nature of spiritual pleasure is real, whereas the nature of material pleasure is illusory. It looks like pleasure, but it’s not real pleasure because it has an end. And when it ends, it ends in misery.

April 18, 1999, Kishinev

April 16

Due to our condition, we are very quick to judge others’ behavior. And we are very quick to justify our own behavior - ‘I was right and he was wrong.’ This is the disease of the material world. This is actually the reason why we are in the material world, this very mentality.

April, 16, 1992, Riga

April 15

If one doesn’t work for purification of his heart, the result is that he falls into sense gratification.

April 15, 1999, Kishinev

April 14

Srimad Bhagavatam class is not meant for discussing politics, personal problems, local management, etc. Srimad Bhagavatam class is meant for deepening our attachment to hearing the transcendental pastimes and instructions of the Supreme Lord and His pure devotees. Such classes should inspire the proper service attitude towards the Supreme Personality of Godhead. If the speakers have an agenda that they want to communicate to the devotees, they should schedule regular (ishta-goshtis) for discussing such topics. Otherwise, each speaker should prepare his or her class nicely so that the devotees’ enthusiasm to attend Srimad-Bhagavatam class will increase.

April 14, 1999 Letter

April 13

As soon as we restrict people to material designations, we create certain expectations within ourselves as to how they should behave. The ability to see the spirit soul and his potential to serve Krishna is therefore infected by seeing in terms of material designations. That’s why it is offensive to see a Vaishnava according to some material designation.

April 13, 1992, Kaunas
