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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

May 4

We cannot imitate elevated Vaishnavas. But we should try to develop attachment for the association of those Vaishnavas - hanker for their association, feel separation when we are not in their association, feel eagerness and anticipation to be in their association. That type of separation from Vaishnavas will gradually intensify. And what is the result? We will become attached to the association of Vaishnavas and hanker for more of that association. By the mercy of the Vaishnavas, this attachment will grow. How will it grow? Gradually we will become more and more attached to the service of the Lord.

May 4, 2004, Dnepropetrovsk

May 3

Although we may not be situated in pure devotional service—we may be very far from pure devotional service - if somehow we come in contact with pure devotional service it will act. We just have to keep ourselves exposed, keep ourselves exposed to the rays of the sun as much as possible, to keep our hearts clean, and then all these selfish motives will be driven out.

May 3, 1994, Kiev

May 2

One of the weaknesses of the heart is attachment to those things that have no relationship to Krishna. Something has no relationship to Krishna when we, by our own mental conception, see it as existing for our own pleasure. As soon as we see something for our own pleasure, then we can’t be seeing it in relationship to Krishna. Because everything is meant for Krishna’s pleasure, we are also meant for Krishna’s pleasure. Actually, this is one of the major obstacles that prevents us from making progress in chanting the Holy Name of the Lord - the spirit of enjoyment.

May 2, 2001, Moscow

May 1

Actually, the Holy Name of the Lord is our life. Our devotional service is meant to be performed in relationship to the Holy Name. In fact, all our progress in life is meant to be gauged according to our relationship to the Holy Name.

May 1, 2001, Moscow

April 30

When we say that the Lord is the supreme controller, we are also saying that He is the supreme sanction-giver. But what is His sanction? His sanction is “Yes, you can do it. Do it. You can do it. You want to do it? Do it.” When the Lord’s sanction is there, His blessings are there and His potency is there - the will of the Lord is manifest. Therefore an empowered devotee carries the will of the Lord, because the Lord’s blessings are fully there.

April 30, 2000, Kiev

April 29

The spiritual master is meant to teach the disciple how to develop a service attitude in relationship to the Supreme Lord, how to execute one’s service in relationship with the Supreme Lord, how to put Krishna in the center of one’s life. Without this knowledge there is no meaning to the position of the spiritual master.

April 29, 2000, Kiev

April 27

A Vaishnava is one who sees the suffering of others as his own. He is always glorifying the Supreme Lord and he is always trying to induce others to hear the glories of the Supreme Lord. This is sufficient for his repentance because he is voluntarily accepting suffering for the sake of the Lord.

April 27, 1999, Moscow

April 26

Srila Prabhupada gives the example that before one can write on the blackboard it has to be erased. So when we come before the spiritual master, we must first erase all our previous conceptions of "right" and "wrong." That is how we allow the spiritual master to write in our hearts.

April 26, 2004, Odessa

April 25

Until complete Krishna consciousness is achieved and we are completely free from the bodily conception we must know how to deal with anxiety in a way that helps us continue the endeavor for Krishna consciousness. That endeavor must never be given up. If there is too much anxiety and we give up the endeavor for Krishna consciousness, then the only alternative is to take shelter in an illusory plan for temporarily relieving anxiety, thus only causing more and more anxiety in forgetfulness of Krishna.

April 25, 1996, Letter

April 24

When the Holy Name is uttered by a devotee who actually has taste for the Holy Name of the Lord, who sees Krishna present in the Holy Name of the Lord, who actually has love for Krishna, when such a devotee appears in this world he brings the Holy Name of the Lord with him. Wherever he vibrates the Holy Name of the Lord, everyone there has an opportunity to come in contact with Krishna.

April 24
