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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

October 30

Prabhupada invested a lot of energy in cutting away our faith in the material world. That cutting process can sometimes be painful, having placed so much of our faith in material arrangements, such as in accumulation of wealth, thinking that it can protect us; or in protection of family members, society and friends. We therefore make it difficult for ourselves to immediately accept the conclusive statement of Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita: “Abandon your faith in all the other processes of religion and all other methods of taking artificial shelter, and just surrender unto Me.” To be able to immediately make that step of full surrender is not easy. It is an ongoing process. Sometimes we may artificially surrender everything and realize later that we really have not fully surrendered. Or sometimes one may have surrendered with a very sincere desire to give everything to the Supreme Lord, but may later realize that the surrendering process is not as easy as he thought it was when he first surrendered.
LFD Vol 3, Cultivating Krishna Conciousness Pg 161, 4th paragraph

October 29

Prabhupada was very direct in his presentation of Krishna consciousness. Many of us, who experienced Srila Prabhupada’s strong preaching in the early days of the movement, experienced that Prabhupada gave a lot of his energy in removing our faith from the material world and simultaneously giving us faith in Krishna. Such is the duty of the spiritual master—to introduce the highest goal of life, which is pure love of God, to his dependents.
LFD Vol 3, Cultivating Krishna Conciousness Pg 161, 3rd paragraph

October 28

Proud persons will not be accepted by Lord Caitanya as He cannot tolerate pride. Lord Nityananda therefore prepares the devotee and makes him qualified to serve Lord Caitanya. Lord Nityananda’s mercy is so expansive. Prabhupada said, “Lord Caitanya went to the classes (high class people) and Lord Nityananda went to the masses. Lord Nityananda thus took away the pride of Jagai and Madhai and prepared them to get Lord Caitanya’s mercy. Of course, when we speak about Lord Nityananda, we are also speaking about Him as the original spiritual master. Therefore, we have to accept the representative of the original spiritual master who is supposed to help us to become free from our pride by helping with the cleaning work.
LFD Vol 3, Eligibility for Devotional Service Pg 157, last paragraph onwards

October 27

There are many examples where Prabhupada saw a devotee thinking that his service was above everyone else’s, and he would smash such a mentality. Although it appeared that everything was flourishing for that devotee, Prabhupada would pull him out of that service. Prabhupada was teaching that no one should think that his service is more important than anybody else’s; otherwise he becomes useless.
LFD Vol 3, Eligibility for Devotional Service Pg 157, 2nd paragraph

October 26

For an ordinary, materialistic person who is conditioned by the modes of the material nature, it is very difficult for him to understand what devotion is. A person cannot taste honey by licking the exterior surface of the bottle. To understand the sweet taste of the honey, one has to open the bottle and taste its contents.Thus if one wants to understand the nature of devotional service, he has to come in contact with the devotee of the Lord. We are most fortunate, because Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhu appears in this Age of Kali as the hidden avatära in the form of a devotee of the Lord to teach devotional service by practicing it Himself. Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvämi explains in Caitanya-caritamrta that Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is an ocean of transcendental mercy. Although the subject matter of bhakti is very difficult to understand, Lord Caitanya has made this understanding very easily accessible for the fallen souls in this Age of Kali.
LFD Vol 3,Devotional Service Pg 155, last paragraph

October 19

Krishna helps the devotee who always depends on Him. He helps the devotee who does not look for material formulas to mitigate his suffering, but looks to Krishna only and says, “Krishna, if You want to put me in a suffering condition, then let me suffer. However You deal with me—whether You put me in distress or in happiness—is my source of happiness as long as it is You, Krishna, who is dealing with me. Please don’t let me become Maya’s subordinate!”
LFD Vol 3,Spiritual Strength Pg 152, 4th paragraph

October 18

Bhakti Tirtha Swami Maharaja was a bit surprised when he found out that he had cancer. He tried to understand, “Why has Krishna put me in this situation? I prayed to the Lord to use me as He saw fit to teach other devotees.” After some continued contemplation, he began to realize that Krishna wanted him to teach the devotees how to give up one’s body, and how to face death in a fearless way. In his heart, he was trying to fully accept the suffering that Krishna put him in as a test for himself, and as an example for others to see how to overcome difficulties—especially at the time of death.
LFD Vol 3,Spiritual Strength Pg 151, 6th paragraph

October 17

A devotee needs an opportunity to serve Krishna. If he has that opportunity to serve, he is so satisfied by that service that he can be satisfied in any condition of life. That is the difference between a devotee and a nondevotee. A devotee is one who is satisfied with whatever the Lord provides for him. We see this in the example of Suklambhara. He did not know the meaning of the word poverty, even though all he ate every day was a few grains of broken rice. Suklambhara never felt impoverished; he was satisfied because the Lord was reciprocating within his heart.
LFD Vol 3,Spiritual Strength Pg 151, 1st paragraph

October 13

Devotees should pray to the Lord for devotional service, because it is devotional service that relieves one from suffering, as well as from the root or seed of sufferings. The devotees are not interested in simply getting some temporary relief. We have to remove the seed of all suffering. The example is given that when you turn over the soil, it appears that nothing grows. However, everything is still underneath the soil. In due course of time, the weeds will grow up again. We may clear away our immediate suffering, but we have just turned everything underneath the soil. They will grow up again. However, Prabhupada says that the fried seed cannot fructify.Therefore we have to burn the seed so it will never fructify. Devotional service does that. Devotional service can relieve both immediate reactions and all future reactions. It is therefore more intelligent to pray for devotional service than for freedom from sufferings.
LFD Vol 3,Spiritual Strength Pg 150, 3rd paragraph

October 12

Krishna is neutral towards those who are suffering according to karma. However, for anyone who once approaches Him in devotion, Krishna can never be indifferent. In devotion means that we have to approach Him through His devotees, because they are never indifferent towards the sufferings of the living beings. When a devotee feels suffering because of others’ suffering, then you get Krishna’s attention. Krishna cannot tolerate the sufferings of His devotees. However, if we try to get Krishna’s attention ourselves, Krishna remains neutral.The Lord will never be indifferent to the sufferings of those who are servants of His devotees.
LFD Vol 3,Spiritual Strength Pg 149, 4th paragraph
