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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

Oktober 7

I have noted in your letter that you want to serve me. I only want that all you my disciples always think of Krishna and never forget Him for a moment. In this way you can conquer Krishna. He becomes so attracted by pure devotion that He gives Himself to His devotee. And if you get Krishna, then what you want more?

Letter to Vajresvari devi dasi, 7 October, 1974

Oktober 6

Our main business is to distribute books, and from the reports I am receiving from all over the world, the progress is very encouraging. So far as the woman distributers who have left New York and Boston Temples and have gone to New Vrindaban, they should return immediately and resume their original service. In Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Movement, everyone is preacher, whether man or woman it doesn't matter. I do not know why Kirtanananda Maharaja is encouraging our woman devotees not to go out on Sankirtana for book distribution. Everyone should go out.

Letter to Karandhara, 6 October, 1973

Oktober 5

We have got a very heavy task before us. Together we have to push on this Krishna Consciousness movement for a revolutionary change all over the world. It is not our manufactured movement but it was ordered by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and we are simply carriers of his shoes. So let us do this duty carefully so that our life may be successful, although our attempts are not as great as they should have been.

Letter to Jayapataka Maharaja, 5 October, 1971

Oktober 4

Regarding offering spinach, just it should be very clean - everything should be done very cleanly.

Letter to Balavanta, 4 October, 1976

Oktober 3

Bharata-varsa in 5th Canto refers to the whole earth.

Letter to Madhava, 3 October, 1976

Oktober 2

If you put up a programme acceptable to one and all there is no necessity of patronizing a particular ism. A common formula can be of practical use both for India or others. As such you can have practical solutions of all problems such as social, religious, cultural, political, economic as well as agricultural and industrial - from the Bhagavad-gita. It is possible only simply by assimilating it by direct perception. It is meant for all living being. Indirect perception will mislead far away from the truth.

Letter to Mr. Bailey, 2 October, 1951

Oktober 1

Many millions of universes are working by His will, but He is not interested. The example is just like a big capitalist. He has got many factories, and if you go to the factory - there is a Tata factory, iron factory - you will find huge factories going on, but Mr. Tata is not there. Things are going on. Similarly, all cosmic manifestation going on, it is under the will of Krsna. But He is not present here. That is explained in the Bhagavad-gita, mat-sthani sarva-bhutani: [Bg. 9.4] "Everything is resting on Me." Any factory, every worker knows that the whole factory function resting on that supreme person. He knows that. So actually fact is that mat-sthani sarva-bhutani na caham tesv avasthitah: "But I am not there. I am not there." Similarly, Bhagavan means that. Under His will, under His power, everything is working so nicely, systematically, but if you want to see God, Krsna, you cannot see Him. He is not there. He is in Goloka Vrndavana, but His influence is so extensive that even without His personal presence, things are going on so nicely. This is called Bhagavan.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.11, Mauritius, 1 October, 1975

October 1

Many millions of universes are working by His will, but He is not interested. The example is just like a big capitalist. He has got many factories, and if you go to the factory - there is a Tata factory, iron factory - you will find huge factories going on, but Mr. Tata is not there. Things are going on. Similarly, all cosmic manifestation going on, it is under the will of Krsna. But He is not present here. That is explained in the Bhagavad-gita, mat-sthani sarva-bhutani: [Bg. 9.4] "Everything is resting on Me." Any factory, every worker knows that the whole factory function resting on that supreme person. He knows that. So actually fact is that mat-sthani sarva-bhutani na caham tesv avasthitah: "But I am not there. I am not there." Similarly, Bhagavan means that. Under His will, under His power, everything is working so nicely, systematically, but if you want to see God, Krsna, you cannot see Him. He is not there. He is in Goloka Vrndavana, but His influence is so extensive that even without His personal presence, things are going on so nicely. This is called Bhagavan.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.11, Mauritius, 1 October, 1975

September 23

Krsna is sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah [Bs. 5.1]. Kеслa, His body is not material body. Those who are thinking Krsna's body as material, they are called Mayavadis. But actually, Krsna's body is not material. The evidence is that Krsna knows past, present and future. In the material body that is not possible. Just like I had my previous body in my previous birth, but I don't remember. If somebody asks me, "What you were in your previous life?" it is very difficult. Because death means forgetfulness.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.10, Calcutta, September 23, 1974

September 21

As the father becomes unhappy when one of his children wishes to break family connections I also become unhappy when there is difficulties within our ISKCON family. So please do not consider leaving as you are spiritual children of mine.

Letter to Isana and Vibhavati, September 21, 1970
