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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

Oktober 17

All animals like deer, camel, ass, monkey, even flies and snakes, none should be ill treated. Even they enter into the house or in the fields and take their eatables, they should not be stopped. Because they have also got the right to eat, eatables supplied by the Lord. And they will not eat more, neither they will take at home, They are better than human beings. If a human being is allowed to enter into the field or into the garden, he will try to take away something for selling or stocking, but the animals do not. So the innocent animals should be accepted as children of the householder.

Letter to Rayarama, 17 October, 1968

Oktober 16

The local management has to be done by temple president, GBC should see whether management is going on nicely, and if there are any discrepancies that will be discussed at the GBC meeting in Mayapur. That is the process. Sannyasis are meant for preaching only. That is the principle.

Letter to Jayatirtha das, 16 October, 1975

Oktober 15

Weakness in Krishna Consciousness we should always feel. That is a good symptom. We should never think that we are strong enough. But the source of strength is Krishna and His manifest representative, the Spiritual Master. We get this instruction from Caitanya-caritamrta that we receive the seed of Krishna Consciousness through the Spiritual Master and Krishna. Therefore, we should serve both simultaneously for continuous supply of spiritual vitality. So you are now serving Krishna under the instruction of your Spiritual Master, so there will be no scarcity of supply of strength unless there is some weakness on your part in the matter of absolute faith in these two shelters.

Letter to Jaya Govinda, 15 October, 1969

Oktober 14

You should read Bhagavad-gita As It Is carefully verse to verse and word to word, and you will be benefited, and if you have any difficulty to understand anything I shall be very glad to have your inquiry.

Letter to Frederico Lourenco, 14 October, 1974

Oktober 13

The more Govinda Ganamrta or the glories of Govinda will be spread the more the nonsense of impersonalism and monism will be defeated. It is said kaivalya nistaraka. This means the Goswamis deliver us from the danger of being lost in the philosophy of monism. As I wrote in my prayers to my Spiritual Master, "impersonal calamity Thou hast moved''. So this impersonalism is a calamity for the spiritualist.

Letter to Tamala Krishna, 13 October, 1969

12 Oktober

I am very glad to see that Candrabali and your son have returned to you again. It is very good. Husband and wife, there may be some disagreement but it should not be taken at any time very seriously. So combinedly together, go on with your preaching work.

Letter to Citsukhananda, 12 October, 1971

Oktober 11

So far as how long each day to go out on Sankirtana Party, Caitanya Mahaprabhu prescribes to chant Hare Krishna Mantra 24 hours. So if you can do so, it is very nice. Otherwise, as much as possible. Sankirtana is our life and soul.

Letter to Jagadisa, 11 October, 1969

Oktober 10

Pariksit Maharaja was informed by Sukadeva Gosvami, "My dear King, I have described about the faulty nature of this age." Kaler dosa-nidhi. Dosa-nidhi means an ocean of faults. "But there is one good opportunity." Kaler dosa-nidhe rajann asti hy eko mahan gunah. "There is one good quality." What is that? Kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet [SB 12.3.51]. Simply by chanting Hare Krsna mantra, one can become free from all this contamination and he can go back to home, back to Godhead." This is another advantage of Kali-yuga. In other yuga one has to undergo so much severe austerity, penances. Then one can realize. But in this age the things have been made easy. That is also mercy of Krsna because these people are so much, disturbed and fallen, downtrodden, they cannot undergo very severe austerity. Simply chant.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 13.16, Bombay, 10 October, 1973

Oktober 9

So far marriages are concerned, just use your discretion but be sure that marriage does not become a farce. It must be serious. So far age is considered, generally the girl should not be older than the boy but in special case you can use your discrimination. Sometimes it so happens that the girl is older than the boy. In India also sometimes it so happens that the girl is older than the boy in some provinces. So you can use your discrimination and do the needful.

Letter to Karandhara, 9 October, 1971

Oktober 8

I am very glad that you are now getting strength. So now you have got 1800 books and are getting more. There is good demand. So Krishna has solved all your problems. Print books and sell and get rich; that's all. We have got asset, our books, so where is the question of poverty? So don't be disheartened at any circumstance. Depend on Krishna. After all this is the kingdom of maya. She is always peeping to take the opportunity of attacking us, but if we fix up our attention on the Lotus Feet of Krishna, maya cannot even touch us.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 8 October, 1971
