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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

December 3

I was so glad to receive your letter which was written by hand (undated). I had just been thinking of and wondering why you do not write to me. Although I am overcrowded by so many letters from my beloved spiritual sons and daughters, still if I don't receive a letter from one, I become anxious for it. So you and Murari should more often write to me. That will very much engladden me to my heart. I know that you are a sincere Vaisnava, and every one of your god-brothers praises you nice Vaisnava qualities. Chant Hare Krishna and always live peacefully.

Letter to Mahapurusa, 3 December, 1968

December 2

The husband and wife must live together for helping one another in developing Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Gaurasundara, 2 December, 1968

December 1

Actually this Krishna Consciousness Movement is a novel proposition to the world. The world is suffering on account of atheistic conviction of life, so our theistic proposition presenting Krishna, the Supreme Lord, is certainly a great relief to the agnostics, atheists, impersonalists and voidists. In all our books we have very scientifically covered all such demons and if these books are introduced in the schools and colleges, so many beautiful souls will be saved.

Letter to Nayana Bhirama, 1 December, 1970

November 23

I am very glad to hear how the book distribution is increasing more and more. This is our greatest weapon. The more the books are distributed, the more the ignorance of the Age of Kali will be smashed. The world is feeling the weight of this Hare Krishna Movement, especially in your country. We have to increase this book distribution work more and more to firmly establish this Movement, which is the only hope for the suffering living entities.

Letter to Balavanta, 23 November, 1976

November 22

You should follow the example of Prahlada Maharaja. His father continually tortured him in so many ways, but he never protested against his father, but he never agreed with the opinion of his father. That should be your policy also, that you will never agree to your father's demoniac principles, but still you will try to serve him as faithfully as a nice obedient son. I am sure your father will be responsive and gradually our mission may be successful. I am always praying to Krishna to protect you because I know purposefully I have sent you in a fiery condition of maya.

Letter to Gargamuni, 22 November, 1968

November 21

Kindly accept my humble obeisances. It is the custom of India from a time immemorial that a citizen of the state would approach the king, to express his grievances for redemption and the king would very kindly consider his case as duty bound and give him necessary relief by the royal judgement. At the present moment, your excellency is seated in the position of the king by the will and Grace of the Lord and as a true Vaisnava I must accept your excellency as the representative of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, as He has expressed Himself in the pages of Bhagavad-gita. As such I beg to lay before your most exalted honour, the following few lines for favorable consideration and do the needful in pure consciousness.

Letter to His Excellency Dr. Rajendra Prasad, President Indian Union, 21 November, 1956

November 20

You should take it to heart as a guiding principle that somehow or other we always please Krishna by doing what is practical and necessary, according to time and place. Not that we should be whimsical. But one test is that all the devotees should be satisfied. They have given their lives to Krishna, so we should see they are always happy. Their service is voluntary. It is not that we can force anyone to do anything. If we do they will go away and that is a great loss. Everyone must be encouraged to do what he likes to do for Krishna, so if someone likes to do business for Krishna, let them make $1,000,000 for Krishna.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 20 November, 1971

November 19

We are not meant for moving anyone's sentiment against animal slaughter, we are neither Buddhists or Jains, whose main propaganda is against animal slaughter. Even the so-called vegetarians who do not take Krishna prasadam are as much sinful as the non-vegetarians. Our propaganda is different, to make people Krishna Conscious, which automatically makes them sympathetic against any kind of animal slaughter.

Letter to Rayarama, 19 November, 1968

November 18

Now if you have got the right idea how to do it, you may go there again and take some responsible post for correcting the situation, that will be your real duty, not that there is some disagreement and I go away disgusted, no. That is not Vaisnava standard. Standard should be that, never mind there is some difficulty, my spiritual master has ordered me to do like this, now let me do it, that's all.

Letter to Bhanutanya dasi, 18 November, 1972

November 17

Philosophy is the highest, but even higher than philosophy is practice of philosophy. So when your students apply Krishna philosophy to their lives, they will feel the beneficial result, and this will make your teaching work very easy. Just like you add hydrogen and oxygen and get water. So let them chant and learn Bhagavad-gita and they will get Krishna's mercy.

Letter to Brhaspati das, 17 November, 1971
