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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

February 8

Material entanglement is no problem; if Krishna was not so powerful that He can easily undo our material entanglement then there would be no need to follow the path of Krishna Consciousness. Krishna has given His instruction in the Bhagavad-gita that one should simply surrender unto Him, and immediately He takes charge of solving all of the problems of life. So if you decide to surrender unto Krishna, and if you are sincere of purpose, there is no problem of your life.

Letter to Mr. Jim Doody, 8 February, 1969

February 7

In the Western countries, there is no dearth of men and money, as well as intelligence, simply to get them together and our program will be successful. My present program is that I am waiting for a little warmer climate otherwise I would have gone to N.Y. without waiting further. Therefore my present program is that I shall remain in the Western Coast, Cal., during Feb. and March. Then I shall go to New York in April. When I will come there and we'll meet together. Then I will go to Boston in May, and then by the month of June I will go to Montreal. I think that is the best time. I shall remain in Montreal for June and July, then we shall go to England and possibly from England, we may go to Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin, etc. Now, man proposes, God disposes. I do not know what Krishna’s desire is, but I have chalked out my program like this. Pray to Krishna that He may give me strength to render some service to you and to the humanity at large.

Letter to Janardana, 7 February, 1968

January 6

You must all study very scrutinizingly all of the books so that when the need arises you can repeat in your own words their purport.

Letter to Hrdayananda, 6 January, 1972

January 5

Now you and all of your men are experienced in distributing books to the libraries. If you can get our books placed in the public libraries it will be a great victory. Do whatever you think bet to make this possible. Yes, the reviews you are getting are very important. Many times I am showing them to influential gentlemen.

Letter to Satsvarupa Maharaja, 5 January, 1976

January 4

When the property is secured, then you can install the Deities. Otherwise, don't take the risk.

Letter to Balavanta, 4 January, 1977

January 3

I am very glad to hear from you the wonderful news of travelling party in England. I think the people of that place are becoming more and more inclined for this Krishna Consciousness movement, they are inviting you to stay at their houses, they are taking books, becoming sometimes devotees - all of these are very encouraging signs to me. If you simply go on in this way, stopping in every village and city of England-Scotland, or if there are other places like Ireland, simply stop for some time, distribute books and hold Sankirtana procession, answer their questions, give some leaflets or small informations freely, distribute prasadam wherever possible, at least some small thing, and if there is genuine interest being shown, then request the townspeople to arrange some engagements for speaking in their schools, or in someone's home, or a hall, like that. In this way remain always without anxiety for destination and comfortable situations, always relying only on the mercy of Krishna for your plan.

Letter to Prabha Visnu, 3 January, 1973

January 2

Sometimes it so happens that we have to suffer for our past sinful activities. But because we have taken to Krishna Consciousness and serving Krishna, we should know that any suffering we have to bear have been far reduced by the mercy of the Lord. Suffering must be there so long as we are conditioned in this material world, but for the devotees the suffering is minimized compared to that of the nondevotees. We have to tolerate any difficulties which come up, and somehow go on with our chanting, reading and routine work.

Letter to Von Paul Reed, 2 January, 1972

January 1

I am sorry to learn that although you are so sober you have been disturbed by your married life.
Married life does not mean that there will be no disagreement between husband and wife - that is a custom from time immemorial. According to Vedic system, disagreement or quarrel between husband and wife should never be taken very seriously. The Vedic system therefore gives a concession for the wife to separate from her husband for some time and go to her father's house. So Cintamani may come to me for some time, but you cannot deviate from your responsibility in Japan.

Letter to Sudama, 1 January, 1971

December 5

We want such teaching department to teach and raise children to the standard of Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Aniruddha, 5 December, 1968

December 4

I am pleased to learn that the Columbus center is improving gradually and now you have begun to perform plays for the guests at the Sunday feasts. In one way or another you should always be engaged in Krishna Consciousness. This will protect you from the onslaughts of the material nature.

Letter to Bhadra Bardhan, 4 December, 1969
