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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

March 10

Therefore our process is - we have repeatedly explained this - that we do not speculate about God. Just like there are so many others, theosophists and theologists, they're speculating what is God. They don't accept... God personally explaining, they would not accept. They would simply speculate. This is their disease. When God is explaining Himself in the Bhagavad-gita... Rather, they will mislead the readings of the Bhagavad-gita in different interpretation, but they will not accept what is being taught by God Himself. This is their misfortune.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 7.2, Лондон, 10 марта 1975

March 9

It is said there that the root of this big universal banyan tree is on the top; therefore history begins from the top. Yes. This planet comes later on. We can take the idea from the tree - the tree grows gradually, and the different fruits, branches, and twigs gradually appear. Therefore it is to be understood that this planet has grown later on. Besides this we understand that although the planet was later on grown up, it was covered with water - pralaya payodhi jale, merged into the water after devastation. Then gradually it emerges from water. That we can experience, that gradually land is coming out of the oceans. Because of its being merged into water, it is natural to conclude that the beginning of life was aquatic.

Letter to Hayagriva, 9 March, 1970

March 8

It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, yesam anta-gatam papam: one who is completely free from all sinful activities, papam. Anyone who is engaged in sinful activities, he cannot understand Krsna, or God. That is not possible. And these are the four principles of sinful activities: illicit sex-life, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling. These are the four pillars of sinful activities. Why at the present moment people have become so godless? Even big, big swamis and yogis, all godless. Why? Because they are engaged in sinful activities. Krsna, God, cannot be understood by sinful men. That is not possible.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 9.2, Calcutta, 8 March, 1972

March 7

There are so many convincing arguments, i.e. the Bhagavad-Gita, to bring us to the right point of surrender. Even the Karma-Kanda, and Jnana-Kanda, sections of the Vedas are designed to bring to the proper Sidhanta, conclusion. And that conclusion is made by Krishna in the Gita, that one who knows the purpose behind the Vedas, surrenders unto Him.

Letter to Dr. Aggarwal, 7 March, 1973

March 6

I am very happy to know that your daughter Sarasvati is growing up nicely under your care. To see that the child is raised in full Krsna Consciousness is the proper management of householder life. And when your good daughter is no longer to be so cared for by you, then you will get enough time to chant Hare Krsna. Both mother and daughter can sit together and chant Hare Krsna.

Letter to Malati, 6 March, 1970

March 5

Practically now it is in the hands of you big guns to manage everything so that there may never be internal difficulties amongst us, and so that we may always go on increasing more and more the influence of Lord Caitanya's philosophy of Sankirtana process upon all the world. That will be your great achievement, and if you go on helping me in this way, you may know it for certain that very soon you will see Krishna face-to-face.

Letter to Bali Mardan, 5 March, 1972

March 4

Regarding Nanda Kumar, try to help him. He is a good boy and he will come out again very nicely. But he must marry that girl, we cannot play with sex-life, that is not our business. If he shows he is faithful for three months, then he again can take care of Radha-Krsna.

Letter to Bhakta das, 4 March, 1973

March 3

Anyone can join us, never mind whatever he is. (We shall entertain Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jains, Sikhs, Buddhists, or whoever may come. We shall have no restriction. In that Temple, everyone will be welcome. In other words, in our secular state and international feelings of God-consciousness will be introduced, where no one will be restricted.) And I am glad to inform you that this principle is accepted by everyone working under me. So, the sum and substance of the concrete program is to organize a nice Sankirtana party in combination of Indian and American students. I want your cooperation in this adventure.

Letter to Sri Harikrishnadas Aggarwal, 3 March, 1968

March 2

The Srimad-Bhagavatam has used the suitable word, dharma projhita. That means to kick out the so-called religious principles, economic development, sense gratification, and liberation. According to Bhagavata, these are all cheating processes, because by following such processes, the living entity can never be happy. Such principles in different forms according to different circumstances of candidate, place, and time, they are simply cheating formulas. So our Krishna Consciousness movement does not belong to any such cheating process. They are cheating processes in the sense that the basic principle is for economic development, and if it is simply for solving the problem of bread, it is not true religion as described by Srimad-Bhagavatam.

Letter to Janardana, 2 March, 1969

March 1

Last night in the television, that gentleman was talking with me. He said that "We have got good brain and we are utilizing it. So that is better for our advancement of happiness. Why Hare Krsna?" His idea was, he plainly told me, that "If Hare Krisna is so powerful, then why India is so poverty-stricken and they are suffering?" So I replied that "Do you think that your problems are solved because you have got a dozens or a hundreds dozens of skyscrapers? That problem is here also. It is not that because America is materially advanced, 'Oh, they are free from all sufferings.' Why there are so many hospitals? Why there are so many lunatic asylums? Why this confusion of the hippies? Why young boys are always disturbed for the draft board? So how can you say the Americans are free from all sufferings?" This is ignorance. The sufferings are there, here or India or hell or heaven - anywhere within this material world - there is suffering. But people are so foolish that simply having a nice motorcar or a skyscraper building, he thinks that "My all problems are solved." He does not know that this life is a flash only. I am eternal.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.7, San Francisco, March 1, 1967
