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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

February 28

Now what I want is that one tape in two days must be finished for being composed. This does not mean that one tape has to be finished so quickly, but the arrangement should be made in such a way that after some time the process will produce at least fifteen tapes completely in one month or 30 days. The process should be in the same way as I have suggested for painting of the pictures. The process is like this. Suppose on Monday you receive the tape number 17, let it be transcribed in two days by someone "A.'' Then in the next two days (days 3 and 4) someone "B'' edits it. Then in the next two days (days 5 and 6) another "C'' edits it for the second time. Then Mr. "D'' gives it the diacritical marks, and then it is ready for composing. With diacritical marks, one copy should come to me for my record. The idea is that this #17 tape takes 7 days to the point of composition. In the meantime, tape #18 is coming into the process just in the same order. So I receive the final copy of tape #18 just 2 days after receiving tape #17 copy. If you follow this process, then ultimately we shall be finishing one tape in two days.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 28 February, 1970

February 27

Liberation from Maya means engaging himself in the service of the Lord. So one should strive to become a servant of the Supreme, and in that position he is automatically liberated and free from the clutches of Maya, so when it is said that one should strive to be free from the clutches of Maya, it is simply another way of saying one should strive to be a servant of the Lord.

Letter to Mohanananda, 27 February, 1972

February 26

Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted that this Hare Krishna Mantra be sung and chanted in every village and town of the globe, and I am simply trying to carry out the order of my Guru Maharaja to give this Divine Message to the people of the Western world.

Letter to Andrea Temple, 26 February, 1968

February 25

I can see how you are advancing in Krishna Consciousness by the feelings expressed in your letter, and I am so glad you are feeling such transcendental pleasure in serving the Lord. This transcendental pleasure is unlimited and increases as we increase our desire to give more and more voluntary service. To surrender to Krishna all at once is not generally possible, but as we serve Krishna more and more, we gradually become more and more surrendered at His Lotus Feet. So you please continue to serve Krishna in these ways you have mentioned, and do not feel that your service is any less valuable than that of others.

Letter to Karunamayi Dasi, 25 February, 1968

February 24

Krsna is giving us intelligence that "If you do not go to the temple or do not hear to the acarya, you can at least try to understand My presence when you see a flower or smell a flower." Is that very difficult job? Krsna consciousness is so nice. Even drinking water, even by seeing the sunshine, even by seeing the moonshine, or, if you are a Vedic scholar, by chanting om, pranavah sarva-vedesu, or even by hearing the sound vibration, or by seeing a flower, or smelling a flower, something brilliant... Just like the sun is brilliant, the moon is brilliant. Tejas casmi. So wherefrom this brilliance comes? The brilliance is imitation, reflection of the bodily brilliance of Krsna. That is stated in the Brahma-sutra [Bs 5.40].

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 7.9-10, Bombay, 24 February, 1974

February 23

Krsna has multi-energies. Parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate [CC. Madhya 13.65, purport]. That is the Vedic version, that the Absolute Truth, Supreme Person, has got multi-energies. In the Visnu Purana also: whatever we are experiencing, that is simply Krsna's energy. Just like we can experience the heat and light from the sun. We can understand the constitution of the sun globe. Although we are ninety-three million miles, away from the sun, but by his energy, heat and light, we can understand what the sun is. Similarly, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, He has got multi-energies.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 7.8, Bombay, 23 February, 1974

February 22

I know that the young people of your country are all eager to take up this Krsna Consciousness movement, simply we must sincerely present our program to them in such a nice way by chanting Hare Krsna, dancing, speaking something about our philosophy, advertising and selling our literatures, and distributing Prasadam.

Letter to Damodara, 22 February, 1970

February 21

But I will suggest one thing - that you can organize a mass Sankirtana procession on the Advent Day of Lord Caitanya, 22 March, 1970; that day is also Sunday. Therefore if George and John Lennon both lead the procession, that will be a great service. Because of their presence many young men especially will join the procession. And if you carry flags, festoons, and pictures in that procession, starting from a big park like Hyde Park or St. James' Square and then pass over some important streets, especially the residential quarters that will be a great success. In that procession, you can distribute our literatures of various kinds - books and magazines also. I think that will be a great successful program.

Letter to Syamasundara, 21 February, 1970

February 20

You can keep the curtains of the deity room open during Kirtana.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 20 February, 1969

February 19

We are all new and weak in this Krsna Consciousness. Just as everyone in the hospital is diseased and although they are trying to become well there is a chance that anyone of them may relapse, but that does not mean that the hospital should be closed. It is now our business to struggle with Maya, and when we win out by Krsna's grace that is to regain our natural healthy life of Krsna Consciousness. So there is no case of disappointment.

Letter to Sucandra, 19 February, 1970
