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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 9

So far the word "Ksatriya'', this is the correct spelling. All these discrepancies are happening on account of my students being unaware of Sanskrit language. Therefore, I requested Pradyumna to learn Sanskrit very seriously.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 9 April, 1968

April 8

You have sent one picture of Narada Muni which I understand was copied from some so-called great artist, but Narada Muni's body appears to be very sensuous. He was a first class Brahmacari. He cannot have such a sensuous body. So you will do well not to work from the so-called well known artists. But you should follow exactly the descriptions of the scriptures. The picture of Narada Muni which you painted in N.Y. in my presence was very nice and good looking, but this picture here doesn't appeal to me.

Letter to Jadurani, 8 April, 1968

April 7

I have given a note of direction to Hayagriva for writing a Drama on Lord Caitanya and if he can deliver us a nice Drama for staging in your different parts of the State it will be a great stride for our mission and I hope it will help us financially a great deal. Just you encourage Hayagriva to write this Drama very nicely in Poetry so that they can be sung in western tone all over America and Europe and staged everywhere to cover our expenses.

Letter to Kirtanananda, 7 April, 1967

April 6

You can cheat the man-made government by hiding yourself, so-called hiding. You cannot hide yourself from, any vikarma or unlawful work, from the eyes of the Supreme Lord. That is not possible. You can hide yourself from the eyes of the police, man-made law, but it is not possible to hide yourself from the eyes of the Supreme. That is not possible. Because the Supreme is sitting within your heart.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.17, Bombay, April 6, 1974

April 5

Any yoga, either karma-yoga or dhyana-yoga or jnana-yoga, any system of yoga, once begun in this life, that will continue. That will continue. Yoga-sthah kuru karmani.. The Bhagavata says, Srimad-Bhagavata says, tyaktva sva-dharmam caranambujam harerbhajann apakvo 'tha patet tato yadi yatra kva vabhadram abhudamusya kim ko vartha aptah, aptah abhajatam sva-dharmatah [SB 1.5.17]. This is speech by Narada to his disciple, Srila Vyasadeva, that "You should try, people, to connect them in spiritual life, in conducting spiritual life. It doesn't matter even if he fails to complete the course; still, he's not loser. Still, he's not loser. He..." The whole system of Vedic knowledge, especially the Krsna philosophy... Krsna philosophy - the whole philosophy.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.49-51, New York, 5 April, 1966

April 4

For the time being you can go to the jail and lecture about Krishna Consciousness and the values of life. You can give this lecture simply by repeating different chapters from our books. And the same can be done in the mental hospital as well. Distribute prasadam there also. Preaching at these and other big institutions is solid work, so try to increase this activity.

Letter to Nayana Bhirama, 4 April, 1971

April 3

In the spiritual world there is also competition, but the center is always Krishna. In the material world there is competition, but the center is sense gratification. That is the difference.

Letter to Krishna das, 3 April, 1969

April 2

Here in Australia they have got one double-decker bus, like you have seen in London streets, and they have painted it very brightly, and as it moves there is kirtana party chanting very loudly inside, and on top floor there is sleeping space and kitchen. On the whole, it is so nice that I am suggesting Dayananda that he supply you and Krishna das with information, how you may purchase such busses in London and drive them all over European continent, and these "Hare Krishna Movement'' busses will make us famous all over the world.

Letter to Hamsaduta, 2 April, 1972

April 1

Yes, the same things are going on. I am trying to change diets and sometimes fasting. But after all, it is old body, so dizziness is not unnatural.

Letter to Himavati, 1 April, 1970

March 31

Everything, that is the property of Krsna, or the Supreme Lord. This is Krsna consciousness. One has to learn this, that everything belongs to Krsna. Isavasyam idam sarvam. This is Vedic instruction. We have created trouble because we have forgotten the real proprietor. We are trying to become proprietor individually and collectively. "This is India. This is our India." "This is America. It is our America." "It is Germany, our." Nothing our. Everything Krsna's. This is Krsna consciousness. Everything belongs to Krsna.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.11, Bombay, March 31, 1974
