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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 9

I received one rumor that the Sankirtana parties in the US would soon be stopped by political repression and lack of money by the people. Some so-called devotee was thinking like that but you can assure all your men that I have great hope for Krishna Consciousness in America, more than any other place. And there is no question of repression provided we go on sincerely.

Letter to Ramesvara, 9 May, 1974

May 8

God cannot be known by the inductive process. Therefore He is called adhoksaja, which means "unknowable by direct perception." The scientists say there is no God because they are trying to understand Him by direct perception. But He is adhoksaja! Therefore, the scientists are ignorant of God because they are missing the method of knowing Him. In order to understand transcendental science, one must approach a bona fide spiritual master, hear from him submissively and render service to him. Lord Krsna explains that in the Bhagavad-gita: tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya [BG 4.34].

The Seventh Morning Walk: On the shores of the Pacific Ocean, near Los Angeles May 8, 1973

May 7

The whole Hindu Muslim conflict, the whole struggle of Gandhi and Jinnah and the whole question of Kashmir problem in the UNSCO have arisen from this petty difference of bones only. In the Hindu temple the bone conchshell is already there but as soon as a Muhammadan throws a piece of bone of the ox in the temple - the whole trouble began, resulting in the partition of India and Pakistan. So an impartial mundane student who will enter into the research work of such bone affairs in the annals of Indian History - surely he will come to the conclusion of unrestricted obedience to the words of the Vedas or that of the Koran or that of the Bible that lead to all sorts of Jehad and crusade. As a matter of fact the so called intelligent persons of the modern age have taken the shelter of secularism on the strength of past unfortunate religious feuds. This is another type of nonsense.

Letter to Sri Padampat Ji, 7 May, 1957

May 6

I am so glad to learn about Haridasi, the fortunate girl in Los Angeles. She has got nice parents, and has the opportunity of being in Krishna Consciousness from childhood. It is therefore needed that we may train some children in our Krishna Consciousness movement, and it will come out very successful.

Letter to Mukunda, 6 May, 1968

May 5

Regarding your inquiry about the individual soul present, I think you will remember that I have several times explained that throughout the whole cosmic creation, not only in the cosmic creation, in the Spiritual World also, the individual is full everywhere, they are numberless. In the material world, the number of souls are very small. In the Spiritual World the number of individual souls are far far greater than what they are here. The conditioned souls are just like prisoners, as we have got less population in the prison house, similarly, in the material world the number of individual souls are very small.

Letter to Mukunda, 5 May, 1967

May 4

Concerning the construction of a new temple for Sri Sri Radha Vrindaban Candra, our men can see how the Indian mistris are doing the work there, and they can learn the art. During the construction, the Deities can be moved to some temporary place. The worship must continue, it doesn't matter if the Deities are moved.

Letter to Kirtanananda Maharaja, 4 May, 1976

May 3

Regarding whether ivory is offerable to Krsna, yes, ivory is pure. Although it is a bone of an animal, still it is as pure as the conchshell which is also the bone of an animal.

Letter to Ekayani, 3 May, 1970

May 2

I am especially glad that the school Gurukula is improving more and more in its standard under your management. That is our real work, to educate people in spiritual life by giving them the practical example, so I wanted that the GBC would be a chosen body of men for that purpose, to see how the students are learning and reporting to me as my secretaries. I do not know how you could have missed these points, as they are clearly spelled out in my original constitution.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 2 May, 1972

May 1

As for grhastha worshiping Gaura Nitai deities that is only for those who live far away from the temple and cannot attend. Otherwise such worship is redundant: there is already deity worship going on in the temple and they should attend the aratriks, not install their own deities. The householding community in Los Angeles or any of our temples is not meant to be independent from the temple program.

Letter to Jayatirtha, 1 May, 1974

April 30

After surrendering to Krishna, that will be the final receptable for investing his love: in God. If somehow or other anyone develops their dormant love of God - love of god is present there in everyone, just like fire is there in the unlit match, covered-over - if Krishna becomes the Supreme Adorable Objectality, the Supreme Friend, the Supreme Master, the Supreme Lover - then, oh, he shall never again become disappointed or unhappy.

Letter to Lynne Ludwig, 30 April, 1973
