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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 24

Krsna consciousness movement is teaching throughout the whole world about the knowledge of the Absolute. There is no question of religion or dogmatism. It is a question of cultural advancement in knowledge. Every human being has got right to understand the absolute knowledge. That is the only business of human being. There is no other business. Unfortunately, for want of training, we are wasting our advanced intelligence for the same business as the cats and dogs are engaged. That is the difficulty.

Lecture on Bhagavad-Gita 7.1, Fiji, 24 May 1975

May 23

There are six principles which we should avoid. They are as follows: eating or accumulating money more than necessary, wasting energy for material gain, talking unnecessarily, following the regulative principles fanatically without any sense, not following the regulative principles, and to become too much greedy and associate with persona non-grata. So as you are serious in the matter of advancement in Krishna Consciousness, you will remember the above instructions given by Rupa Goswami, and you will feel more and more secure in your endeavor.

Letter to Isana das, 23 May, 1969

May 22

Sometimes we imitate. Somebody, I think he is very much enjoying, so I also think, "Why not I enjoy like him?" This is natural. We have got independence to think like that. Similarly, when the living entities, whose business is to serve Krsna, when he wants to become Krsna, when he wants to become God, although he is dog, still, when he wants to imitate, he is immediately put into the clutches of maya. "All right. You enjoy. Try yourself. Try yourself to become God."

Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam 1.5.1-4, New Vrindaban, May 22, 1969

May 21

I've asked Swaroop Damodara to invite Ramananda Rao to come and join him to present this revolutionary theory to the learned advanced scientists. We know it certainly that matter comes out of life. Simply we have to present this thesis in chemical, technological words.

Letter to Niranjana, 21 May, 1973

May 20

So far the land in Jagannatha Puri is concerned, we can have a nice temple on 21 acres of land. You can negotiate the rental fees and inform me accordingly before proceeding further with this project. Whether in the land there is vegetation? If it is only sandy then it is not good.

Letter to Abhirama das, 20 May, 1976

May 19

Concerning the domes, the domes must be over the three Deities. The domes should not be brought to the front of the building. Their place is over the Deities, whether they are visible to the passersby or not.

Letter to Upendra das, 19 May, 1976

May 18

We have come to this material world, disobeying the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.18, Honolulu, May 18, 1976

May 17

Regarding Rathayatra, Jagannatha starts on the second day of the moon, and on the fifth day there is no meeting, but there is some controversy with Laksmi's servants and Jagannatha's servants - that is Herapancami. Jagannatha returns back on the tenth day of the moon.

Letter to Yamuna, 17 May, 1970

May 16

In the spiritual world there are exactly the same things as we see here; namely the land, water, trees, birds, beasts, human beings, etc., and all of them are spiritual as all the varieties here are material. So these things can be understood when one is advanced in self-realization. The real form of the living entity is eternal servant of Krsna. Now this spiritual form is developed when he enters into the spiritual world.

Letter to Gurudasa, 16 May, 1970

May 15

When you go to London making plans for World Sankirtana, you may take into consideration of the proposal made by Mr. Parikh. He said that from Kenya there is invitation for our group to perform Kirtana there. So if we go, a group of at least 25 heads, they have already agreed to pay for return journey and accommodation there. So on your way to India you can perform Kirtana in some important cities of Europe, and then go to Africa, Kenya.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 15 May, 1970
