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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

June 15

So it was Krsna's grace that He saved you from a dangerous position. This dangerous position is dangerous if it does not go away after its appearance for a while. But if it goes away, then it is friend. A devotee's angle of vision being that everything is emanating from the Supreme, danger is not danger - that is the conclusion of Srimad-Bhagavatam. A devotee takes danger as also mercy of Krsna because in everything there is a purpose of Krsna and without His sanction nothing can take place. Anyway, do not be worried, Krsna has saved you, and very soon you will regain strength.

Letter to Rupanuga, 15 June, 1970

June 14

Our philosophy is submissiveness.

Letter to Jayapataka, 14 June, 1970

June 13

How you are perfected by discharging your occupational duty, how it is tested. That test is svanusthitasya dharmasya samsiddhir. Your occupational duty will be perfect when? Samsiddhir hari-tosanam [SB 1.2.13]. When you satisfy the Supreme Lord by your occupational duties. That is dharma.

Lecture on Bhagavat-Gita 4.7, Montreal, 13 June, 1968

June 12

Actually, this making life members is the certain sign that our preaching work is successful. If somebody pays us, that is almost the same as converting him. So the more life members that you make in Delhi, the more I can understand that your preaching work is very pleasing to Krishna. Krishna is most pleased by His servant who preaches by canvassing others on His behalf.

Letter to Tejiyas, 12 June, 1972

June 11

Narada says, "Even high, elevated discussions of knowledge, how to get out of this designated or decorated body to self-realization platform, spiritual realization, but if that is acyuta-bhava-varjita, if there is no mention of Krsna consciousness," Narada says, na sobhate, "that does not look very well." Therefore the devotees, they're not very much interested with the dry philosophical speculation because there is no acyuta-bhava. There is no Krsna consciousness. They, they, they have been described as vak-caturyam, simply jugglery of words, Mayavadi philosophical speculation. There must be acyuta... We have got sufficient philosophy, but it is plus Krsna consciousness. That is the difference, Mayavada philosophy and our philosophy.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.5.12-13, New Vrindaban, June 11, 1969

June 10

No, there is no need of sending the Kalyana books as you have mentioned, not yet. Just read Srimad-Bhagavatam, our three volumes, regularly and repeatedly. It is no use reading many books, it is better to assimilate one book and that is sufficient.

Letter to Harivilasa, 10 June, 1968

June 9

Our movement for Krishna Consciousness is to turn the present polluted senses into its original pure form, just like when a man cannot see properly due to cataracts in the eyeball, similarly we cannot have real sense pleasure without being purified in Krishna Consciousness. This purification can be done only by engaging the senses for Krishna. Krishna is called Hrsikesa, or the Master of the Senses. His senses are omnipotent; therefore, when our senses will be engaged to satisfy the senses of Krishna, at that time we will have perfect sense gratification, and be free of all distressed condition.

Letter to Mr. Taber, 9 June, 1967

June 8

I have stopped the political movement because it will not help us. It is a very filthy atmosphere. Better you do not indulge in those things with expenditure of money and spiritual energy.

Letter to Rupanuga, 8 June, 1974

June 7

One has to make the best use of his talent for the service of Krishna. That is wanted. Best example is Arjuna, that he utilized his talents, military science, in the service of Krishna.

Letter to Gargamuni, 7 June, 1968

June 6

Actually it is a fact. The United Nations is barking like dogs, what have they done? Any sane man can understand that after 30 years they are simply barking.

Letter to Jayapataka Maharaja, 6 June, 1976
