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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

July 18

We are fallen conditioned souls. In this material world we have come with an enjoying spirit. Therefore we are fallen. If one keeps his position rightly, he does not fall. Otherwise he is degraded. That is fallen condition. So all the living entities within this material world, beginning from Brahma down to the small insignificant ant, they are all fallen, fallen conditioned souls.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 1.21-22, London, 18 July, 1973

July 17

Go on with your decision to live as householders apart, but concentrate on chanting and reading our books and always offering foodstuff to Krsna by prayers. Live blissfully and peacefully as husband and wife, and if you go on chanting 16 rounds daily, Krishna Who is within our hearts, will direct your further as to best way to advance more and more in progressive Krsna Consciousness. We must never forget that this present life is temporary and may end at any moment. So the purpose of our existence should be to become fully Krsna Conscious and go back to Home, back to Godhead at the end of this present lifetime.

Letter to Isvara, 17 July, 1973

July 16

Those who are killing cows, according to the decision of karma kanda, these killers of cows will in the next life be cows, and the cows who are killed will become men and kill the killers. The word flesh is called mansa which means the animal in future will kill me and eat. This is called karma bandhanam, bound up by the laws of karma. If you kill some living being, he will kill you in the next life. According to Manu samhita, the Vedic lawbook, a murderer is hanged and thereby released from sinful activities so that in the next life he may not be killed. Life for life sentence is given to end the result of sinful activities in this life instead of waiting for the next life.

Letter to Alfred Ford, 16 July, 1974

July 15

I am glad that your friendship with Mr. George Harrison is gradually working, so much so that he is now prepared to spend $3,000 for an altar slab and a block of bluish marble for carving Krishna or Lord Caitanya. For Lord Caitanya yellowish marble or white marble should be used. If yellowish golden colored marble is available, that is very nice.

Letter to, 15 July, 1969

July 14

The whole process of Krishna Consciousness is to replace our love to Krishna. So any process that helps us to increase our love of Krishna, that is the best system of religiousity. Such system cannot be checked by any material impediments, and such development of love of Krishna is without any cause.

Letter to Kirtanananda, 14 July, 1968

July 13

Life Member means Life Member; there is no inheriting by the eldest son. It is only Rs. 1111/-, what is that?

Letter to Giriraja, 13 July, 1972

July 12

I am very glad to learn that you are now happily married. I beg to thank you also for the check of your contribution for my book fund, it is very welcome at this time and for the nice photographs of your wedding ceremony. So I think you tried to get yourself married sometimes before and now Krsna has given you one very good wife. You are intelligent boy, hard worker and devotee of Krsna and your wife is very fine girl and sincere devotee also, so you both, husband and wife, combined together work for your mutual advancement in Krsna consciousness. That is my desire.

Letter to Candanacarya, 12 July, 1970

July 11

The books we are publishing are completely novel to the Western world. We are explaining the science of devotional service in so many ways, and Srimad-Bhagavatam especially is unique literature that the people in general should try to understand. I have got an ambition to finish the Srimad-Bhagavatam in the same way I have already done, so try to help me as far as possible to finish this high project.

Letter to Bali Mardan, 11 July, 1969

July 10

Yes, get nama Sankirtana organized, it is very nice program. It is all encouraging. Nityananda Prabhu was doing this although He was attacked by Jagai and Madhai. In spite of His being injured by them, Lord Nityananda delivered these two brothers. That is the way of preaching. Certainly there will be thousands to follow a large Sankirtana Party, so you do like that.

Letter to Jayapataka, 10 July, 1970

July 9

Now you must all three, along with the other sannyasis, GBC members, and other leaders become very serious to actually give the human kind the greatest welfare, namely, this Krishna Consciousness movement. Your task ahead is very huge, but it will be quite simple and easy if you simply do as I am doing. You must become conversant in every feature wherever it is needed throughout the society. Out first business is to preach to the devotees and to maintain the highest standard of Vaisnava education. Management must be there as well, just as I am preaching daily from S. Bhagavatam, B.G., but I am also going to the bank, making investments, seeing the trial balance making letters, seeing how things are going on, like that. So you must become expert in all these matters, just as I am giving you example . . .

Letter to Hrdayananda, 9 July, 1972
