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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

August 4

Material prosperity means that the people must have sufficient to eat or to maintain the body and soul together in sound health for further development in spiritual consciousness which is conspicuous by its absence in the sense gratificatory life of the animal.

Letter to Pandit Sri Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India, 4 August, 1958

August 3

The literature you have published is very nice. The Explosion is very good. I started out with this kind of paper, only I was the only writer, the only editor, the only publisher, and the only distributer. So go on with your publishing. At least each month one Hindi and Telegu magazine should be published from Hyderabad. Arrange like that.

Letter to Mahamsa Swami, 3 August, 1975

August 2

I am very encouraged to learn that you have your own radio show for one hour every Sunday morning. Here in Los Angeles I have so many tapes of my singing prayers, chanting new tunes of Hare Krishna, playing mrdanga, and purports to prayers. So if you think that some of these tapes will be nice for your program, I will have copies made of some of them and have them sent to you.

Letter to Gaurasundara, 2 August, 1969

August 1

If we perform many festivals in all of our centers around the world, many times during the year, then the general populous will become very much favorably inclined toward us and that will push on this sankirtana movement in the best way.

Letter to Karandhara, 1 August, 1972

July 24

Our ambition is far, far greater, nobler and more sublime than these astronauts because we are trying to reach the Supreme Planet, Krishna Loka, and live there eternally in association with Krishna. Krishna has also advised in Bhagavad-gita that even if we go to the topmost planet, Brahma Loka, still we have to come back again. But if we go to Krishna Loka, there is no coming back to this material world.

Letter to Brahmananda, 24 July, 1969

July 23

We shall be unaffected by all that will happen. Krsna will provide us with working facilities. Be assured of this, that the devotees will be protected by the Holy Name. Others will have to suffer in the days that are coming.

Letter to Kurusrestha, 23 July, 1973

July 22

Yogis and jnanis artificially try to get rid of Maya, but in spite of their much endeavor for spiritual realization they are still in the Kingdom of Maya. The conclusion that God is impersonal or that everyone is God is the statement of a person who is in Maya. In other words, anything which is a setback to the realization of Krishna Consciousness is Maya. Anyone who is not in Krishna Consciousness is supposed to be in Maya, and anyone who is in full Krishna Consciousness is out of the clutches of Maya. This is the statements of the Vedic literatures, and we should try to understand and follow the principles.

Letter to Joel Chalson, 22 July, 1969

July 21

I think of you very often that you are a most ideal devotee wife. Your husband, Advaita, is working very hard and nicely in Krishna Consciousness, and when the husband is executing his activities very nicely it is credit not only to the husband himself, but it is a credit to his wife also.

Letter to Balai, 21 July, 1969

July 20

People are searching after God. But actually there is the planet where God lives, Krsna lives. But you have got your machine, aeroplane, sputnik. You can reach there, but you cannot reach even the highest planet, even on this material planet, material universe. Everyone sees. We see the stars or planets. Now you have got the machine; you go there. No. You cannot go. You are so limited. Even you cannot go to the moon planet, which is so nearest. You cannot go. But still, we are proud of our these airplanes, sputniks. We are thinking, "Now we have become God." These rascals they do not know what is God. They are all rascals. They have no idea what is God. Therefore they have accepted another rascal as God. This is going on.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 1.24-25, London, 20 July, 1973

July 19

Regarding your question, what is the position of the women in Krishna Consciousness Movement, we are not responsible for marriages. If you want to get married at your own risk, that is all right, you can get married by the state service and the husband must take full responsibility for living outside the temple and earning money for supporting wife and children.

Letter to Navina, 19 July, 1972
