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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

July 8

We should never think that oh, my service is so much valuable to Krishna; I am performing such nice service. No. But we must take our service seriously because it will be to our benefit and Krishna will be pleased. That's all. So go on as acting treasurer in Detroit center and see to it that the temple remains financially fit and in all cases depend on Krishna. Chant your 16 rounds of beads without fail and always think of Krishna. Then surely you will be blessed by Krishna in all respects.

Letter to Kaliya Krishna das (John Moffat), 8 July, 1971

July 7

I would have preferred to have permanent residence visa in USA rather than in Canada, and I have heard that if somebody adopts me as a child or something else, I can get the permanent visa. But if you adopt me as your old child, probably the visa department will laugh, that what you will do with an old child who is going to die very soon. But, if there is possibility to adopt me as old father, then you can try for it. If there is any law that you can adopt any old man as your father, and take care of him, then you can inquire from the Los Angeles immigration department and try for it.

Letter to Dayananda, 7 July, 1968

July 6

Jivasya tattva-jijnasa, jiva, those who are conditioned souls, their only business is to enquire about self-realization. The piling of woods and stone is not advanced civilization. My Guru Maharaja used to say, kath pathare mistri. If you are simply engaged how to have a skyscraper building, then we become craftsmen only, how to handle woods and stones, that's all. So much success but what we'll do with this woods and stones? You are spirit soul. Woods and stone will not give you any pleasure. That is not possible. You are not wood and stone, you are spirit soul, you must have spiritual food. Therefore in America especially, despite all material opulences, there you are becoming confused and frustrated and disappointed. Because woods and stone will not satisfy you. You must have spiritual food, that is Srimad-Bhagavatam.

Lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam 1.1.1, New-York, 6 July, 1972

July 5

A brahmacari should contribute whatever he has got to Krishna, through the Spiritual Master. The Spiritual Master does not accept anything for his personal use, but he employs everything for Krishna's service. Therefore the Spiritual Master is accepted in the renounced order of life. So far as householders are concerned, they may contribute at least half of their income to Krishna. Then life is sublime. After all, everything belongs to Krishna, and the sooner we return whatever we have got to Krishna, the better it is. That is our normal life.

Letter to Giriraja, 5 July, 1969

July 4

I am very sorry to learn that you are injured in a motor accident. I have come to San Francisco on account of Rathayatra festival and shall be returning by next Tuesday. Do not be worried by lying down. Chant Hare Krsna mantra and Krsna will help you to be free from this confinement very soon. In my previous letter I informed you that you better stick to the arcana bidhi of the temple, and I confirm the same again that in future you will always remain in the temple. So we should always consider that this material world is a dangerous place and therefore we shall chant Lord Nrsimha's Holy Name in order to be protected by Him in all dangers.

Letter to Himavati, 4 July, 1970

July 3

As his great grand-father, Hiranyakasipu was very powerful, and as there was animosity between the demigods and the demons, Bali Maharaja also defeated the demigods several times, and was occupying all the planets. At that time Vamanadeva appeared as the son of Kasyamuni. Bali Maharaja was very charitably disposed. Sometimes the atheists are also very charitable. Persons who believe that we are doing pious activities, making charities and welfare work to the human society, why should we bother about God? - such persons even though very moral and pious in the estimation of the material world, are also demons, on account of their apathy for Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 3 July, 1968

June 29

You say that much of your time will be engaged in earning money, but that does not mean you have to cease your service to Krishna. You are praying for Krishna's blessings in order to serve me better, but when Krishna speaks through me, you hesitate to accept the words. I do not know why you should work at all if you want to remain brahmacari. Here is an ideal brahmacari with me. He works day and night with me. Why don't you become a brahmacari like him and come here? One who is a householder, he has to work because he has to maintain a wife and children at home. But for a brahmacari, why should he take the botheration of working simply for the matter of satisfying the belly?

Letter to Rayarama, 29 June, 1969

June 28

You are a great president of a great nation. In this age of unrest and quarrel, your strength, as well as the strength of your nation, will be lasting if it is built upon the pillars of spiritual knowledge and Absolute Truth.

Letter to President of United States, The White House, Washington, 28 June, 1972

June 27

It is not possible to come to the right knowledge by so-called research, because our senses are imperfect. Just like we see through the telescope and we come under certain conclusion, but the fact is that I am the same person seeing through the telescope, and telescope is also manufactured by me or by you. So machine is imperfect and my seeing power is also imperfect. Then how you can have perfect knowledge? The machine is created by a person who has got imperfect knowledge, and the seer is also a person; he is also imperfect. The imperfect person is seeing through the imperfect machine. Then how we can conclude perfect knowledge? This is not possible. Therefore the method is, according to the Vedic knowledge, that if you want perfect knowledge, then you should approach the perfect person.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 3.27, Melbourne, June 27, 1974

June 26

Formerly there was no such piecework. One world, one king. One God, Krsna. One scripture, Vedas. One civilization, varnasrama-dharma.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.4.2, Los Angeles, 26 June, 1972
