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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

June 5

Wherever you remain you chant Hare Krishna regularly, and your example may be followed by others. The world needs this benefit, and when you return to India there are so many ways you can convince your parents that to take to Krishna Consciousness does not mean one has to give up his worldly affairs. I know in India there are many foolish persons who think that by reading Bhagavad-gita one is apt to renounce this world. This is completely foolishness. Arjuna was a family man, a soldier, and he was directly taught the principles of Bhagavad-gita, but he never renounced the world nor the battlefield. I do not know why there are certain crazy men who think like that, that if a man becomes devotee, he will have no more interest in worldly affairs.

Letter to Gopala Krishna, 5 June, 1969

June 4

Krsna is our head man in the family; Kartamarshi means head man. According to Vedic system, Kartmarshi is asked in the morning by his wife what kind of foodstuffs he will like to take on that day. And the kartamarshi or the head man of the family will dictate some preparation, and that will be the accepted as the foodstuff for everyone on that day. Similarly, our principle should be to act in the way as Krsna will feel satisfaction.

Letter to Jadurani, Bharadraja, and Muralidhara, 4 June, 1970

June 3

Lord Caitanya is combined form of Radha Krsna. If Caitanya is pleased, Radha and Krsna automatically become pleased. Now our mission, Krsna consciousness mission, is to execute the will of Lord Caitanya. In this old age whatever I am trying to do it is just to give a little service according to my capacity to Lord Caitanya's mission. I have not come here for some personal credit in this old age. I have also come here under the order of my Spiritual Master who is non-different from Lord Nityananda. You are all helping me in the execution of my mission so please do not try to do anything beyond the jurisdiction of my instructions.

Letter to Makhanlal, 3 June, 1970

May 31

Continue doing nice plays for the public. This can be very attractive if it is done very nicely.

Letter to Kalacanda dasa, 31 May, 1975

May 30

We have got everything to do. Suppose we want spiritual perfection. So we have to do something. We have to perform something. We have to act practically. We have to go, accept penance, we have to accept... Just like we are trying to chant: Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. So the idea is that "I may be elevated to the perfect position." So anything, if we desire, we have to do something. But the definition of Brahman and God is that He has nothing to do. The Veda, Upanisad, say. Na tasya karyam karanam ca vidyate: "He has nothing to do." Still, He is God. Not that one becomes God by doing something. Nowadays it has been practiced to say that "I have meditated so many years, I have undergone so much penance. Then I have become now God."

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 3.21-25, New York, 30 May, 1966

May 29

 This is the secret, association of the pure devotee of the Lord. Without association of pure devotee of Lord, nobody can come to the stage, unflinching faith and devotion to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.3.11-12, Los Angeles, 29 May, 1972

May 28

In your country, the Deity should not go without shirt. Gaura-Nitai may wear turbans. Nothing should be offered to Krishna unless it is prepared by the devotees themselves.

Letter to Anangamanjari devi, 28 May, 1975

May 27

I have received a letter from my Godbrother informing me that it has been advertised in India that in Vietnam also somebody is spreading Hare Krishna Movement. So there is no need to be disappointed. You go on with your work as best as Krishna gives you the opportunity, and there is no cause of your anxiety. Everything is going smoothly. But since you are now separated, the strength of your activities appears to be little disturbed. Now you try to assemble together in the same spirit as you were doing, and in that case, temple or no temple, your movement will go on progressively.

Letter to Mukunda, 27 May, 1969

May 26

So far as "Back To Godhead'' is concerned, the answers to your questions are as follows: Recipes are all right if you think that there is such a public demand. But just recipes, no pictures; Yes, parts of my letters may be reprinted as a second article by me; no drawings should appear in the magazine; Yes, a question and answer article is very nice, and letters from interested persons may also be published. On other matters you can use your own discretion.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 26 May, 1971

May 25

We can never expect to find any kind of utopia, even in the spiritual world. Where ever there are persons there are bound to be differences, so we should not expect any kind of perfect arrangement, especially here in the material world.

Letter to Jayarge and Lindon Lomese, 25 May, 1972
