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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

May 14

Regarding quality of chanting Hare Krishna, we shall try to avoid the 10 kinds of offenses, that is the quality.

Letter to Rayarama, 14 May, 1968

May 14

Regarding quality of chanting Hare Krishna, we shall try to avoid the 10 kinds of offenses, that is the quality.

Letter to Rayarama, 14 May, 1968

May 14

Regarding quality of chanting Hare Krishna, we shall try to avoid the 10 kinds of offenses, that is the quality.

Letter to Rayarama, 14 May, 1968

May 14

Regarding quality of chanting Hare Krishna, we shall try to avoid the 10 kinds of offenses, that is the quality.

Letter to Rayarama, 14 May, 1968

May 14

Regarding quality of chanting Hare Krishna, we shall try to avoid the 10 kinds of offenses, that is the quality.

Letter to Rayarama, 14 May, 1968

May 14

Regarding quality of chanting Hare Krishna, we shall try to avoid the 10 kinds of offenses, that is the quality.

Letter to Rayarama, 14 May, 1968

May 13

The devotees of the temple must keep themselves engaged otherwise they cannot make progress in Krishna consciousness. The maya is very strong and as soon as there is opportunity the Maya will come and attack. Therefore every one should be very careful against the attack of Maya. And the only effective defense is remain Krishna consciousness always.

Letter to Mukunda, 13 May, 1967

May 12

If you have got such vision - you are seeing in everyone the Supreme Narayana - then why should you designate only the daridras? Others also, you should see dog-narayana. You should see kukkura-narayana. Why daridra-narayana? If you have got such broad vision, why you are taking particular? That is imperfect vision. You cannot send the chaga-narayana, goat-narayana, to the slaughterhouse and allow the daridra-narayana to eat the meat. This is not bhakta's business. This is demonic.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 12.13-14, Bombay, May 12, 1974

May 11

Modern scientists think that life has come from matter. They say that millions and millions of years ago there was simply matter, but no life. We do not accept that. Of the two energies - life and matter - life, or spirit, is the original, superior energy, and matter is the resultant inferior energy... Spirit is independent, and matter is dependent. For example, I can live even without my hands or legs. If they were amputated, I could survive. Therefore I am not dependent on my hands and legs; my hands and legs are dependent on me, the spirit soul within my body.

The Eighth Morning Walk: On the shores of the Pacific Ocean, near Los Angeles, May 11, 1973

May 10

The mass problem at the present moment in India is actually a food problem. I have therefore decided to start some village organization program - namely, people should be invited to live in the village, produce their own foodstuff (grains, fruits, and vegetables), maintain a sufficient number of cows to get a large quantity of milk, produce their own cloth, eat sumptuously for keeping fit in health, and then they can regularly sit down and chant Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. I shall arrange for the irrigation of the land and the people living there should give their labor for their own food and clothing, and then chant Hare Krishna Maha-mantra and cultivate Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Radheswaranand Goswami, 10 May 1975
