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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 19

This body belongs to Krishna and therefore we must always keep it in healthy condition to the best of our ability, but if due to some past sinful activities, we are suffering some bodily miseries we should not become discouraged.

Letter to Viruha dasa, 19 April, 1975

April 18

Krishna, He killed so many demons, so in this age of demoniac tendency, we may not kill the demons like Krishna did it, but we can kill the demoniac tendency. How is that? By this Sankirtana weapon. That is the specific contribution by Lord Caitanya, Krishna Himself, in this Kali yuga. So I am informed that you are the Sankirtana leader for Laguna Beach temple, so you should very enthusiastically lead the Sankirtana party, and in this way you will very successfully kill the demoniac tendency of the rascals.

Letter to Doug Russell, 18 April, 1973

April 17

For Gaura-Nitai alone, Rathayatra is not at all recommended because They are playing the part of devotees. But as you are having three large carts you may arrange the following: Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai in the first ratha, Sri Sri Radha-Krsna in the second ratha and Sri Jagannatha, Balarama and Subhadra in the third ratha.

Letter to Ramesvara, 17 April, 1977

April 16

To think of Krishna 24 hours a day, if you are serious this can be done. It is not very difficult.

Letter to Punjabi Premanand, 16 April, 1976

April 15

This "Yes, I shall fight", this "I", and the former "I" - "I shall not fight" - so there is vast difference. The former "I" is the representative of mental speculation, when Arjuna decided that "I shall not fight. They are my relatives, they are my brothers; I cannot fight with them for the matter of kingdom. Rather, I shall forego; I shall become a beggar. I shall... I don't want this kingdom." He argued like that. But after reading Bhagavad-gita, he said that "My illusion is now removed." Nasto mohah smrtir labdha: "My illusion is now removed, and I have got my consciousness by Your mercy. By Your mercy."

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.55-58, New York, April 15, 1966

April 14

"Why we cannot eat meat'', to answer this question the straight reply is that "because Krishna does not eat meat''. We are concerned with Krishna Consciousness so our eating is dependent on Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Kirtanananda, 14 April, 1967

April 13

Yes, I acted the part of Advaita Prabhu in one such drama. I organized that theater performance in my youthhood. My friends were trained up and we performed and it was very much appreciated by the highest class of men in Calcutta. We were invited to many places to perform the drama. Lord Caitanya inaugurated these Vaisnava dramas.

Letter to Vrindaban Candra, 13 April, 1971

April 12

So far my chastising you at Mayapur for your questions it is simply out of love that I chastise any of my students. It is a father's duty to raise his son to be a strong, useful citizen, and sometimes he must reprimand him for some mistake in order to teach him. But this harshness is only for his son's benefit. Similarly, you are all my spiritual children, and my only concern is to see that you all become strong in your devotion to Lord Krishna, so sometimes scolding may be there, but you should always remember that it is done with love and it is only for your benefit.

Letter to Niranjana, 12 April, 1972

April 11

Now I am concerned that the Gurukula experiment should come out nicely. These children are the future hope of our Society, so it is a very important matter how we are training them in Krishna consciousness from the very childhood. It was yourself who started this idea and it has been progressing nicely. Now you see that it continues to develop. So you should go there and inform me what is the position.

Letter to Satsvarupa Maharaja, 11 April, 1973

April 10

Economic development means to get more money and to satisfy senses more and more. This is the modern theory. But Krsna says that to achieve the perfection of life, one should be nirasih. Nirasih means unnecessarily desiring for sense gratification, unnecessarily. Everyone has got right to live and live nicely. For that purpose there is sufficient arrangement by the Lord. Eko yo bahunam vidadhati kaman. There is sufficient arrangement. No living being will starve. There is such arrangement. But when we forget more and more Krsna and God, nature will punish. There will be restriction of supply of foodstuffs. That is nature's law.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.21, Bombay, 10 April, 1974
