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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

March 20

Regarding your dream, it is a great blessing to you that Krsna warned you. So you should never be negligent. Always be careful, then in due course you will feel the Bhava.

Letter to Rukmini, 20 March, 1970

March 19

This is a great service, and there is urgent need for such paintings. Our Jadurani has done so many nice pictures, and they are distributed amongst our temples, but still there is shortage of supply. and she is now sick, and unable to work very swiftly due to her health condition. So I request you to simply sit down wherever you are, and paint nice pictures for being distributed to all centers. This will help you, and it will help others as well.

Letter to Madhavi Lata dasi, 19 March, 1969

March 18

Any way, whatever your position may be simply follow the rules carefully, chant 16 rounds and read my books and you will be saved from Maya. Regarding your writing, it is a little off-time. I suggest that you read my books more carefully and present things as I have presented them.

Letter to Gandharva dasa, 18 March, 1975

March 17

I have got experience, practical experience, that the drafting board of your country, calling some boy that "You join military," but he is not willing. Why? Because he is not trained as a ksatriya. He is trained as a sudra. Therefore the caste system is very scientific. A section of people should be trained as brahmanas. Those who are intelligent enough in the society, they should be picked up for being trained in higher philosophical science. Those who are less intelligent than the brahmanas, they should be given military training. We require everything - not that everyone is military man. This is nonsense. How everyone can be military man? Because they are sending sudras to Vietnam they are unnaturally being killed. So any country who is very proud of scientific advancement, if he does not know how to organize society, he is a fool.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 7.1, San Francisco, 17 March, 1968

March 16

When the large Deities are installed, the small Deities should be worshiped as Vijaya Vigraha which means this pair of Deities may go outside the Temple in a small car as they have made in L.A. This car was made by Nara Narayana, so he can give the idea. This Vijaya Vigraha may be taken out with Sankirtana Party, not always, but conveniently.

Letter to Satsvarupa, 16 March, 1970

March 15

At first, I must thank you very much for your slides and the viewer, which I enjoy whenever I find some time. The pictures of London Temple immediately get me there, and I enjoy your company. So I can understand that everything is going on well in London Temple. The service of the Lord should be so nicely executed that Radharani will bestow upon you blessings, raising Her right hand palm. You have got a very nice wife, a devotee and intelligent. So both husband and wife combined together please see that the Temple service is being executed regularly and nicely, and thus make your lives happy and successful. Side by side, both of you should train your junior brothers and sisters in the service of the Lord, so that in case both of you go for preaching work, the scheduled program of the Temple may not be hampered.

Letter to Gurudasa, 15 March, 1970

March 14

Your seventh question, "How is it that there is so much material "advancement'' in the USA even though there is no formal demigod worship? Is a man after economic development automatically worshiping Lord Siva whether he is making Yajna or not?'' Actually there is no material advancement in the USA. Material advancement means there is amply opportunity for eating, sleeping, mating, and defending. Superficially, it appears that in the USA there is sufficient provision of eating, sleeping, mating and defending, but actually nobody is safe even in his good apartment. I have got practical experience in New York. Several times my typewriter and tape recorders were stolen and the police could not take any action. There are many persons in the Bowery street, they have no shelter to live. So if a certain fraction of the people are supposed to be very materially happy at the cost of others, that is not material advancement.

Letter to Rupanuga, 14 March, 1969

March 13

There are thousands of my disciples, European and American; their background is not Hindu culture, and still they are accepting this Krishna Consciousness philosophy. Some of my students are from the Mohammedan sect also; but all of them conjointly are chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, dancing in ecstasy, honoring Krishna Prasadam, and happily living on Vedic principles; namely as Brahmacari, Grhastha, Vanaprastha, or Sannyasa, not to mention their personal dealings in the matter of four kinds of prohibitive regulations; namely no illicit sex, no intoxication, no meat eating, and no gambling. So we have to train the whole younger generation at the present moment by the simple method recommended by Lord Caitanya, and then this movement, Krishna Consciousness will spread all over the world.

Letter to Sriman Bankaji, 13 March, 1970

March 12

For the management of affairs, we require to divide. Because there are different classes of brain, so those who have very intellectual brain, they should become brahmanas. Those who are fit for management and protection, they should be trained as ksatriya. And those who are fit for producing food, taking care of the cows, they should be trained as vaisya. And the balance, they're all sudras. This is the division.

Varnasrama walk, Vrndavana, 12 March, 1974

March 11

The transcendental experience which you had during kirtana performance at the Loyala University is very nice. Relishing the transcendental sweetness of Krishna Kirtana is only possible when one is actually advanced, towards perfection. Srila Rupa Goswami used to say, wishing if he had possessed millions of ears, and billions of tongues then he could chant the Hare Krishna mantra a little bit relishably.

Letter to Jayapataka, 11 March, 1969
