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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

March 30

Goswamis used to work almost 24 hours. They used to sleep not more than 2 hours, and they produced immense literature. Of course, it is not possible to be in their level of activities, but as far as possible, we should everyone of us try to work as hard as possible for Krishna's satisfaction.

Letter to Jaya Govinda, 30 March, 1969

March 29

In the western countries there have been many revolutions, in France, England, Germany and Russia, simply to change leaders of this ism to that ism. In India also since India's contact with the western countries, there have been certain types of revolutions, and they are now going on. Recently in our experience there was attempt to drive away the British. This revolution changed India from dependence to independence, but factually the situation has deteriorated from bad to worse. We are old friends, we know that in Allahabad when I was there, ghee was selling for 1 kg. per 1 rupee, and now its costs 20-25 rupees per kg. In this way, things have not improved, in so many ways. This is due to imperfect leaders.

Letter to Dr. Ghosh, 29 March, 1974

March 28

Just like a person who is conversant with medical science. He is called medical man or a doctor. It doesn't matter whether he is born in India or born in America or whether he is black or white. It doesn't matter. One must have the qualification of a medical man, and he is called a doctor. Similarly, Bhagavad-gita also accepts the brahminical culture, the brahminical culture. Brahminical culture means the social position in which everyone is assisted to elevate himself to the highest position of understanding the position and the constitution of the soul. That should be the aim of human society.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.46-47, New York, 28 March, 1966

March 27

The two business, Krsna's. Because He has already explained, bhutanam isvarah. "I am the controller of all living entities." Therefore when there is discrepancies in the execution of dharma, then He is to punish and reward. Paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam. Two things.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.7, Bombay, March 27, 1974

March 26

Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, explaining the method of His appearance and disappearance. People do not know it. Just like the sun. Because we do not see at night, formerly some people used to think "The sun is now dead, or gone." But later on, by scientific method, they have come to know the sun is always in the sky. Due to our different position, we do not see the sun at night. Otherwise, the sun is there. If this is possible for an ordinary material thing, how much it is greatly possible for the Supreme Spirit.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.6, Bombay, March 26, 1974

March 25

My Guru Maharaja said that this materialistic society is a society of cheaters and cheated. Because people want to be cheated, men such as you mention have become very popular. They are preaching all nonsense and the people are accepting them, but if someone wants to be cheated, what can be done? This Krishna consciousness is authorized, practical and simple and those who have enough intelligence will recognize this fact and will join with us. Our program is to simply chant Hare Krishna, follow the regulative principles, and preach this philosophy without any adulteration. If we stick to this policy, then by our good example, people will see the potency of this great movement.

Letter to Patita Uddharana, 25 March, 1972

March 24

I wanted to talk with you of improvement of the Uddharana Dutta Thakura Path. I know you are managing the establishment so nicely till now but still further improvement can be done if you cooperate with us. We want to establish a small gurukula as mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, accommodating willing Vaisnavas who will follow the Vaisnava behavior strictly; arranging worship of the Deity by the sincere devotees who will not take any remuneration and who follow the Vaisnava principles.

Letter to Sri Kashinath Mullick, 24 March, 1976

March 23

"Bhakti-sastri'' is awarded after extensive study of Bhagavad-gita, Easy Journey, and Nectar of Devotion. "Bhakti-vaibhava'' is awarded after study of Vedanta-sutra and Srimad-Bhagavatam on a preliminary basis; and "Bhaktivedanta'' the highest title, is awarded after extensive study of Caitanya-caritamrta.

Letter to Brahmananda, 23 March, 1969

March 22

In spite of possessing imperfect senses, people are proud of their knowledge. That is mistake. We are not concerned with imperfect knowledge. We want perfect knowledge. Therefore we are going to Bhagavad-gita. Otherwise what is the use? If it is an ordinary book - you can interpret in your own way, I can interpret in my own way - then what is the value of Bhagavad-gita with other books? No. It is not like that. Therefore the words of Krsna should be understood through the devotees: perfect channel. Krsna says, imam vivasvate yogam proktavam aham avyayam [Bg. 4.1]. Avyayam,... It is eternal. It is spiritual, avyayam. Avyayam means "that does not perish."

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.2, Bombay, March 22, 1974

March 21

All of you must learn to preach; and for me, my most important preaching work is to finish up the Srimad-Bhagavatam. So, please try to make arrangement like this, as it is very important that my books be finished, as soon as possible.

Letter to Brahmananda, 21 March, 1968
