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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

November 6

In Vrindaban dhupa is offered without a flower sometimes, but either way is all right. If a flower can be offered, then that is nice.

Letter to Kirtanananda Maharaja, Vrindaban Candra, and Silavati, 6 November, 1971

November 5

Gaudia Vaisnavas, Gosvamis, they did not write any comment on the Vedanta-sutra because they accept Srimad-Bhagavatam is the natural commentary on the Vedanta-sutra. So why they should write again? But still, when there was such question raised in Jaipur that the Gaudiya Vaisnava has no commentary on the Vedanta-sutra, at that time, Baladeva Vidyabhusana, he wrote Govinda-bhasya on Vedanta-sutra. But still, Vedanta-sutra does not mean to understand impersonalism.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.25, Vrndavana, November 5, 1972

November 4

Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu has forecast that this Hare Krsna Mantra will be heard in every nook and cranny of the globe. He is God, so it will happen, that is a fact. So if we take advantage then we may take the credit, but if we do not someone else will. You are right to just depend on Krsna. When He sees that you are sincere He will reveal everything to you.

Letter to Karandhara, 4 November, 1970

November 3

In the Puranas it is stated that another demigod is supreme just to convince the devotee. Just like a student in primary school, he thinks the primary education is everything and has no idea of higher education. This is to convince the devotees but from the Gita we understand that it is from Krishna that He gives the faith by which one can worship the demigods. Krishna says "aham adi hi devanam.'' Is Krishna speaking a lie? "mattah parataram nanyat [Bg. 7.7].'' Nobody is greater than Me, He says. Why should we reject Krishna's statement? Our mission is to put Krishna as first, and they may take it or not. We do not interfere with their choice, but we do it as our duty.

Letter to His Holiness Satsvarupa das Goswami, 3 November, 1974

November 2

I am also glad to learn that you are developing more and more a taste for thinking of Lord Krishna and His devotees. Such thinking is required, and you will see that as you think in this way, your taste for relishing the nectar of such meditation will increase more and more. This is called the limitless ocean of the nectar of devotion. This ocean is unending, and therefore the pleasure of relishing the nectar of this ocean is also increasing unendingly.

Letter to Krishna Devi, 2 November, 1969

November 1

ittham satam brahma-sukhanubhutya
dasyam gatanam para-daivatena
mayasritanam naradarakena
sardham vijahruh krta punya-punjah [SB 10.12.11]
This was the statement of Srila Sukdeva Goswami when he saw Krsna carrying the cowherds boys on His shoulders. To be in such a position could only be the result of the performance of many, many pious activities. They were putting their legs on the Supreme Personality of Godhead and were forgetting who He is, and Krsna is taking the feet of His devotee on Himself. Krsna is so nice. The mayavadis can never understand this exchange of devotional activities.

Letter to Acyutananda Maharaja, 1 November, 1973

Oktober 31

We have forgotten, but these were the miseries for birth. In suffocated condition...But we have forgotten. So forgetfulness is not solution. Closing the eyes before the enemies is no solution. Daivi hy esa gunamayi mama maya duratyaya [Bg. 7.14]. So long you are in material condition, you have to suffer all these miseries, either you become rich man or poor man. You may become American or Indian. The miseries of birth, death, old age and disease, they are all the same everywhere, not only within this planet, but also in other planets also. Abrahma-bhuvanal lokah [Bg 8.16]. This is the intelligence. They are trying to go to the moon planet, or somebody, by karma-kandiya consideration, they are trying to go to the heavenly planet. But wherever you go, you must know that these four conditions of material life, they are present.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 7.3, Vrndavana, 31 October, 1973

Oktober 30

One has to be qualified to preach. It is a gradual process that one becomes sense controlled and a personal example. Preaching is not an easy thing. In the beginning one should worship the Deity and follow the basic practices. When one becomes advanced he can preach.

Letter to Srutadeva, 30 October, 1976

Oktober 29

I know that you are intelligent and can act very nicely to help spread Krsna consciousness. If you feel Maya attracting, then live an honest life as a householder and contribute to our movement. As a family man you can join Svarupa Damodara to help with the Bhaktivedanta Institute. Caitanya Mahaprabhu says it doesn't matter whether one is a sannyasi, grhastha, brahmana, or sudra. You have intelligence. Study more and more. If you think that you should be married, then do that and assist Bhaktivedanta Institute by giving service. My request is, don't become an ordinary foolish man. Keep Krsna consciousness in any condition of life. That is success.

Letter to Pusta Krsna, 29 October, 1976

Oktober 28

Krsna says, jnanam te 'ham sa-vijanam: [Bg. 7.2] "I'll speak to you about jnana." Everyone is in ajnana and falsely thinking that he is some very important person. This is ajnana. Real jnana, as will be explained here, is to receive from Krsna. So Krsna is giving knowledge in the Bhagavad-gita. He'll speak in later chapters that "The real jnana is to surrender unto Me." This is real jnana.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 7.2, Nairobi, 28 October, 1975
