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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

April 22

To face difficulty in the course of preaching work is a kind of austerity. These difficulties do not go in vain. The more we face difficulties, the more we draw the attention of Krsna. So in that way we shall be prepared to meet all kinds of difficulties in our preaching work. Such attempt gives us a lift on our progressive march in Krishna Consciousness.

Letter to Upendra, 22 April, 1970

April 21

Faithless means, anyone can understand, those who do not believe in the words of God. They are faithless. Just like a child. By nature, he has to believe his parents, his superiors, his teacher, but if he does not believe in the words of the superior, then where is the possibility of education? There is no possibility. This is the first qualification.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 9.3, Melbourne, April 21, 1976

April 20

Just like when Krsna is fighting. Krsna is fighting, killing the demons. So that is also devotion, if you help Krsna by killing demons, not that simply by chanting, you supply... Just like Bhismadeva. He even injured Krsna, and Krsna took it very pleasant. Instead of throwing flowers, he pierced His body with arrow. So everything for the service. If Krsna is pleased being pierced by the arrow the devotee will do that. His only business is how to please Krsna.

Morning Walk, Hyderabad, April 20, 1974

April 19

Regarding your question about Brahma, he may be chosen either from the liberated or the conditioned souls. In this case Brahma is a liberated soul from the beginning; therefore there is no contradiction that Brahma can be Haridasa Thakura.

Letter to Sivananda, 19 April, 1968

April 18

Even if I say, "I am Hindu, I am distinct from Christian or Muhammadan," that means bodily concept of life. Even if I think, "I am brahmana," that is also bodily concept of life.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.6, Hyderabad, April 18, 1974

April 17

Even though the Indian Hindus are very much inclined in my favor, so far I have experience it is very difficult to turn them into pure devotees. The difficulty has become more acute on account of Ramakrishna Mission's preaching that any opinion about religion is alright. But our philosophy is different, we do not accept any opinion which is not advised by Krishna. So unless one is very fortunate, never mind whether he is Hindu or non-Hindu, one cannot take to the Krishna Consciousness movement and accept its bona fide principles.

Letter to Jayapataka, 17 April, 1970

April 16

Concerning your questions: Yes, it will help to read Bhagavad-gita but to have to hear from the realized person. Without the help of guru, if you read independently, you may be misguided. Therefore, so many politicians, scholars, etc. not being guided by the parampara system, have simply misled the public. The Bhagavad-gita is the standard book of knowledge in India and many eminent persons like Gandhi, Aurobindo, Dr. RadhaKrishnan, etc. they tried to understand the Bhagavad-gita, but could not do it. They were themselves misled and on account of their big position they misled so many followers.

Letter to Punjabi Premanand, 16 April, 1976

April 14

By nature one has to eat some weaker living being and therefore animals are eaten by man, vegetables are eaten by animal or the weak is eaten by the strong and therefore one living being is eaten by another stronger living being. But there is a systematic rules and principles for eating and a human being is to eat Krishna Prasadam. If Krishna would have eaten meat, we would have also eaten His meat Prasadam. We are concerned with Krishna Prasadam.

Letter to Kirtanananda, 14 April, 1967

April 15

So here is the point, that without Lord's mercy, we cannot stand up on the pure consciousness platform. Therefore we have to pray to the Supreme Lord always. That is the instruction of Lord Caitanya. He has put up His prayers. I have got this paper. I'll distribute it to you after the meeting is over. That He says that "My dear Lord, Krsna, somehow or other, I am fallen into this ocean of misunderstanding." The prayer is just like this.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.55-58, New York, April 15, 1966

April 13

Krishna consciousness means to increase the number of persons in Krishna consciousness. Therefore it is the duty of a Brahmacari to go door to door as beggar and enlighten people in Krishna consciousness. Whenever you go to some person he will hear something from the devotee about Krishna consciousness and that will be very much beneficial for both the devotee and the person who hears the devotee.

Letter to Kirtanananda, 13 April, 1967
